As a result of the success of the 2009 "Page and Stage", Meineck has submitted another proposal to the NEH, with a focus on "Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives." It, too, combines the resources of Aquila, the APA, the NYU Centerfor Ancient Studies, and the University Library Council. But it also adds those of Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies, increases the number of production venues from sixteen public libraries allied with local performing arts centers to fifty; and enlarges its geographical scope to include Washington, DC, the Chicago metropolitan area, cities in New England (Hartford and Providence) and the Pacific Northwest (Portland and Seattle), Salt Lake City and Tucson.
The new "Page and Stage" project centers not only on Homer's Odyssey, but also on several Athenian tragedies by Sophocles and Euripides which foreground the notion of the warrior's return. An expanded focus on cross-cultural impact related to the African-American, Asian-American and Latino experiences builds on the strengths of the 2009 program, particularly its presentations on "From Homer to Hip-Hop." It incorporates the cutting-edge work of Brian Doerries' The Philoctetes Project/Theater of War, and plans to feature several of the 2009 Program Scholars as well.
Another new Outreach initiative involves the Classical Reception Studies Network, based at the Open University (UK), which the Outreach Division, representing the APA as a whole, has just joined as an Overseas Affiliate Partner. The director of the CRSN, Lorna Hardwick, was particularly pleased that the Division included committees investigating the classical tradition, and ancient and modern performance, since these topics are at the core of CRSN activities. I will serve on the CRSN Steering Group, which will be addressing two major issues: how to extend the scope of CRSN to include exchange of information and ideas on the teaching of classical reception to undergraduate students and "taught Masters' students" (and thereby complement the work CRSN currently undertakes to organize national and international workshops for research students); how to formulate proposals for extending research collaborations between groups of scholars in different countries.
A conference on Classics in the modern world: a 'Democratic Turn'? will be held at the Open University in June 2010, and should provide a further forum for researchers from the USto meet and debate with CRSN colleagues. An email seminar is being held from October through December 2009 to identify and discuss some of the underlying research questions relating to this topic; many US scholars are already on the circulation list. Graduate students are welcome to attend this conference. There will be a workshop for them before the opening of the main conference and opportunities for more advanced doctoral students to present their work-in-progress during the conference.
We are also exploring possibilities for a similar APA affiliation with the emerging scholarly collaborative project known as EuGeStA, based at the Université de Lille and directed by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris. Focused on gender studies in classical antiquity, it already includes classicists and ancient historians from such European countries as Belgium (Brussels), Germany (Berlin), Switzerland (Basel), Italy (Torino) and the UK (Cambridge, Manchester) as well as France (Paris and Lille itself). Alison Keith, University of Toronto, and I will be presenting papers at a December 2009 conference sponsored by EuGeStA, entitled Women and War [in classical antiquity]: the feminine perspective.
At the September 1, 2009 APA Research retreat organized by Vice President for Research Roger Bagnall, several participants with connections to the Outreach Committee, first and foremost Christopher Marshall, University of British Columbia, as well as myself took an active part. Among the long-term APA research priorities identified were research into modern performances of ancient literature (not limited to drama) where a number of partial projects remain incompletely developed; and biographical databases of classical scholars, from the Renaissance to the present, where there is a patchwork of printed sources. These fall into the purview of CAMP and COCT respectively, and may provide ideas for future panels sponsored by these committees.
Like my predecessors in the APA Outreach Vice Presidency, Jennifer Roberts, City University of New York, and Barbara Gold, Hamilton College, I have made it a priority to develop and pursue different strategies for reaching out beyond the professional classics community, first and foremost by collaborating with colleagues around the US and Canada to gather information on classically related events in their geographical regions, and to publicize these events globally as well as locally. Barbara, Mary-Kay and I have continued to share articles from various North American media outlets about the classical world and its cultural presence today on a section of the APA website entitled "Events: What's Current in Classics?" which is maintained by Robin Mitchell-Boyask of Temple University.
Mary-Kay, Barbara and I have made similar contributions to The Dionysiac, a listserv announcing classical plays, theatrical events and conferences, run by Hallie Rebecca Marshall of the University of British Columbia. Both the website and listserv enable us to publish information about plays, lectures, exhibit openings and other events connected with Greco-Roman antiquity in a far more timely fashion than would be possible if we were to include it in Amphora.
Thanks to the leadership of Benjamin Stevens, Bard College, an Outreach committee member, we are in the process of updating the description of the Outreach committee and its activities on the APA website. The APA Research retreat also prompted some new ideas about how best to utilize and refocus our Speakers' Bureau. Chief among them is the possibility of connecting its presentations by classicists (and particularly presentations to audiences and geographical regions with few opportunities to engage with scholars and teachers in our field) with the publication by these speakers, in books and journals, of new scholarship. Obviously we would need to privilege scholarly efforts that can easily be made accessible to a non-specialist audience. It would, moreover, be valuable to host events of this kind at bookstores likely to carry scholarly publications, following the model of the highly successful series at Politics and Prose in Washington, DC, which has recently featured book-launch talks by classicists Daniel Mendelsohn, Bard College, and James O'Donnell, Georgetown University.
Amphora. Amphorawill finish its eighth year in December. The editor, Davina McClain, has prepared the following statement for this report:
" The 8.1 issue ofAmphora arrived slightly late due to technical difficulties on the part of the editor, but it nonetheless came off the presses in time for the American Classical League meeting at the end of June. Submissions were up, and we again had more readily available articles and reviews than we had pages on which to print them. Submissions are now coming from Europe as well as across North America. The quality of submissions varies immensely, but all of the authors of accepted submissions have been wonderful at revising and meeting deadlines for production. Assistant Editor Diane Johnson and the members of the editorial board have done a superb job of proofreading the issue.
Because of budget difficulties, the next issue of Amphora will have a limited print-run and be availably primarily on-line for all APA members. Members may, however, request a paper copy. Amphora will also move to one issue a year during the current budget crisis. The likely date on which this issue will appear will be in late February/early March, so that it can be ready for meetings of regional classics organizations, and so that we can avoid the winter holiday period when it is not easy to work on revisions. Work will soon begin on reorganizing the content of the Amphora webpage to be loaded into the template of the new APA website. Discussion has commenced about how to make the on-line Amphora more than just a pdf file, and to design it in such a way that it proves more interactive with, and useful for, its audience.
The various committees in the Outreach division have planned a number of exciting events for the 2010 APA meeting in Anaheim:
Outreach Committee (Chair, Judith P. Hallett). The 2010 Outreach panel will feature "Classics and the Great Books" and has been organized by myself and three members of the Committee on Outreach: Alison Futrell, Universityof Arizona; David Porter, Skidmore College; and Benjamin Stevens. It examines a longstanding, influential classical outreach initiative in North American under graduate institutions of higher education" "Great Books" core curricular programs that teach selected ancient Greek and Roman texts in translation along with other primary source texts awarded "canonical" status in the western liberal arts tradition. Inaugurated after World War I by John Erskine of Columbia University, Great Books gained prominence as the curricular centerpiece at the University of Chicago during the presidency of Robert Maynard Hutchins (1929-1945), and as the sole academic fare at St. John's College in Annapolis beginning in 1937 and at Shimer College beginning in 1950.
The original Great Books program remains a fundamental component of the undergraduate general education curricula at Chicago and Columbia today, and continues to hold sway at Shimer and St. John's, on both its Annapolis and Santa Fe campuses. In addition, numerous undergraduate programs in the US and Canada, public and Catholic as well as private colleges and universities, offer Great Books curricula in a variety of guises. In Great Books programs, classicists share with those trained in other academic disciplines responsibility for elucidating not only works of Greek and Roman literature, but also later western texts deemed relevant to the major ideologies and intellectual paradigms of the past twenty-five centuries. A complex relationship has always obtained between the goals and objectives of Great Books and the study of canonical texts, both ancient and modern, from time-honored disciplinary perspectives, particularly that of classics.
Panel presenters, all Great Books "veterans" in different capacities, will consider these programs from the larger historical perspective of American higher education as well as in specific institutional locales, considering their academic and intellectual limitations as well as their strengths. The first two papers reflect on the history of Great Books programs: within the academy, at Chicago, and beyond, at the Aspen Seminar founded in 1950 by Hutchins' associate Mortimer Adler. Drawing partially on personal experience--as both offspring of a Great Books faculty pioneer, and a visiting instructor at Chicago--Owen Cramer, Colorado College, emphasizes the role played by the general education tradition, the arts and close reading in the early years of the Chicago core courses. After providing some basic background on the Aspen Seminar, Marian Makins, University of Pennsylvania, raises questions about the use of classical texts in its ideologically motivated and goal-oriented setting, arguing for the importance of fostering engagement with classical texts outside academia proper.
Our third presenter, Elizabeth Vandiver, Whitman College, is a graduate of the Shimer Great Books Program who has subsequently taught in Great Books-based core programs. She will problematize two assumptions of the Great Books curriculum--that all interpreters have equal access to a Great Books text, and that these texts speak equally to all readers across different times and cultures--in stressing the need to contextualize the classical texts assigned. Our fourth, H. Christian Blood, a St. John's alumnus now doing graduate work at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in an interdisciplinary department of literature that radically interrogates the canon, will maintain that Great Books at St. John's produces the "best classics students" and the "worst classicists" as a result of "extirpating" Latin and dislocating the origins of western civilization.
Addressing the problem of "canonicity"--how Great Books courses create and perpetuate a collection of widely read and studied texts--the fifth paper, by Elizabeth Scharffenberger, Columbia University, takes issue with the routine marginalization of comic texts in these courses, calling attention to the unique capacity of comedy to unfold diversities of perspective. The response by Michael Broder, a Columbiaalumnus now doing graduate work at CUNY, advocates approaching the Great Books through the lens of reception rather than tradition.
We received over three times as many abstracts as we could hope to accommodate within the confines of an APA session; as a result, we are also holding a session on this topic at the fall meeting of Classical Association of the Atlantic States in Wilmington, Delaware. The Saturday luncheon speaker at CAAS, moreover, will be journalist Alex Beam, author of a new book on the history of the Great Books phenomenon.
Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (Submitted by Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz). At the 2009 APA Meeting in Philadelphia, CAMP again sponsored its annual, well-attended production of a play from or about classical antiquity. This year's choice was the first comedy in English inspired by an earlier classical text, Thersites; it was directed by Christopher (Toph) Marshall. An "interlude" composed ca. 1537, possibly by Nicholas Udall of Ralph RoisterDoisterfame, the play starred Susanna Morton Braund, University of British Columbia, in the title role. Photos of the performance appear on the APA website.
In 2010 we will present a screening of selected silent films on classical topics instead of a live dramatic production, in order to highlight the importance of cinema as a medium of performance, and to capitalize on the location of our meeting near the American film mecca of Hollywood. The organizers of the screening, Pantelis Michelakis, Bristol University, and Maria Wyke, University College. London, are linking this event to the launch of an international, collaborative film project on the ancient world in silent cinema. With the help of the British Film Institute, two screenings of silent films with piano accompaniment and lectures have already been held in London, on January 28 and June 22, 2009. Andrew Simpson, of the Catholic University of America, will be accompanying the films on the piano. Wyke and Michelakis have also organized an APA panel that will place these films in a larger cultural and intellectual context. We are delighted to be participating in an international project of this nature, since both performance and reception studies increasingly require collaboration with scholars from outside our borders.
CAMP will return to the tradition of a live performance in 2011, with a production of Aristophanes' Thesmophoriasuzae directed by Bella Vivante, University of Arizona. We have also continued our practice of sponsoring panels based on an open call for papers. In 2009, we held a panel entitled "Modern Performances of Ancient Drama: Theory and Practice"; in 2010 we are sponsoring a panel on "Contexts for Ancient Greek and Roman Drama", organized by Hallie Rebecca Marshall. The presentations will be by Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, on "Morality and Politics in Jose Triana's Medea en el espejo"; Amanda Wrigley, Northwestern University, on "Greek Tragedy as Cultural Project" in twentieth century England; and Melinda Powers, on "Camping Out on Kithairon: Celebrating Bakkhai in West Hollywood." We have already sent out the call for papers on "Democratic Inflection: Modern Performance of Ancient Drama" for the 2011 APA meeting.
In Philadelphia we also had the opportunity to prepare for the next phrase of the APA collaboration with Peter Meineck on his NEH-funded project, "Page and Stage." Participating scholars have been extremely enthusiastic about their experiences with this project, and CAMP looks forward to working further with Aquila and expanding outreach efforts through their programs.
Essays from our three-year colloquium on political performance have now appeared in a volume of Syllecta Classica (2008); the next group of essays will be published as a special issue of Helios, edited by Gesine Manuwald, University of London. We are pleased to be participating in the Classical Reception Studies Network's project on "Classics in the Modern Word: A Democratic Turn?" in classical reception studies, have planned our 2011 panel with this CRSN theme in mind, and are proposing a panel for the CRSN meeting in June 2011.
Committee on the Classical Tradition (Submitted by Judith Fletcher). At the 2008 COCT Committee meeting in Chicago I was charged with the duty of creating a panel for the May 2009 meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, at the University of British Columbia, to be held under the auspices of the APA Committee on Outreach. The proposal met with enthusiastic approval from the executive board of the CAC, especially Jonathan Edmundson, York University, president of the association. The CAC agreed to waive the association fees for members of the APA, "for a special panel jointly run by the Classical Association of Canada and the American Philological Association's Outreach and Classical Tradition Committees."
After consultation with Judith P. Hallett, I devised a call for papers on the topic of "Borders" that yielded twenty-four abstracts from APA and CAC members, including graduate students and senior scholars. The CFP stated that " In recognition of the borders between Canadaand the United States, we solicit abstracts on the topic of 'Borders: geographical, social, political, temporal or conceptual." Papers can address such topics as the establishment, maintenance and control of geo-political borders in the ancient Mediterranean basin, the blurring of social boundaries through ritual activity, the fractured social identities of border-dwellers, etc."
Leanne Bablitz of British Columbia, organizing chair of the CAC meeting in Vancouver, allowed us two panels with eight paper slots in total, and provided valuable assistance in collecting the abstracts and contacting those who submitted abstracts. Both panels featured an even distribution of US and Canadian scholars, and presentations on such topics as myths of the Underworld, viticulture in southern France, religious cults in classical Athens, and Roman poetry.
In 2010 COCT will sponsor an APA panel on "Visualizing Ancient Narrative from Manuscript to Comic Book." The panelists will be Julia Haig Gaisser, Bryn Mawr College, on the illumination of an Italian manuscript from the 14th century that could be the earliest Renaissance interpretation of Apuleius' Golden Ass; Nina Kallmyer, University of Delaware, on the depiction of reading and receiving an ancient text by Sir Laurence Alma-Tadema's "A Reading from Homer (1885);" Thomas Jenkins, Trinity University, on N.C. Wyeth's illustrations for Palmer's translation of the Odyssey;and Christopher Marshall on Homer's Odysseyin comic books of the twenty-first century. Mary Louise Hart of the Getty Museum will be the respondent. We look forward to stimulating presentations on the representation of Classical literature in different media over a span of six centuries."
Finally, it was my pleasure to organize, with COCT committee member Michele Ronnick, Wayne State University, two panels on "Black Classics" at the March 2009 meeting of the College Language Association, held at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, and sponsored by COCT as well; special thanks go to the two COCT members--Dirk Held of Connecticut College and Sheila Murnaghan of the University of Pennsylvania--who helped select the eight papers on these panels from an impressive number of submissions. Presenters included Ronnick, Kenneth Goings and Eugene O'Connor of Ohio State University, Lisa Hughes of Colorado College, Katrina Keefer of Trent University, Margaret Malamud of New Mexico State University, and Susan Wood of Oakland University. The topics of these presentations ranged from antiquity and debates over slavery in antebellum America, to the role of the classics curriculum in historically black colleges and universities (HCBUs), to the writings of W.E.B. DuBois and Nella Larsen, to the paintings of Guillaume Guillon dit Lethiere, to the classical library holdings of Frederick Douglass. We look forward to a continuing classics presence at the CLA meetings, and to integrating the scholarly findings and insights shared at this meeting into other professional venues concerned with classics teaching, research and reception.
Respectfully Submitted,
Judith P. Hallett
September 2009
Professional Matters. The Division of Professional Matters includes under its jurisdiction the Subcommittee on Professional Ethics, the Placement Committee, the Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups, and the Campus Advisory Service.
Subcommittee on Professional Ethics. Various questions were presented for consideration by the Committee; as always, our deliberations are strictly confidential. Issues coming before the committee included, but were not limited to, a dispute resulting from the withdrawal of a job offer, a complaint that a publisher had reneged on a previous publication agreement, and a question about course content and the parameters of academic freedom. There were also a few requests for information available in our database, to which answers were provided. The APA office and I are working to update the data that we received earlier in the year from past Vice-President, David Konstan.
Placement Committee (Submitted by Carin Green). The Placement Committee continued to monitor the process of placement for candidates who are members of the APA or the AIA, providing oversight for announcements of positions and interviewing/hiring of candidates. The Committee also continued to review problems created (generally inadvertently) by either institutions or candidates who did not quite follow the rules. In some cases the rules needed clarification ("please don't eat the daisies" may sometimes be a necessary clarification, at it were), in others the individuals concerned needed guidance as to how to rectify the situation. In one or two cases, the diplomatic efforts of Director Adam Blistein were needed, and in every case the issues were speedily resolved in a way that met the approval of the Committee. In the last year, in response to concerns that had been voiced on the Committee, Adam Blistein and Renie Plonski devised and set in practice the process by which candidates who had submitted their materials to the Placement Service in a timely fashion were notified before the convention if they had interviews. This has been a major accomplishment and will do much to address the pressing concerns of candidates who want to know whether they should spend the money to come to the meetings.
Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups (Submitted by Kristina Milnor). The Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups continues to write reports on women/minority involvement in placement, departments, and journals, using data generated by the APA office. The reports are supposed to be written in a revolving three-year cycle--i.e., "journals" in 2007, "placement" in 2008, "departments" in 2009, and back to "journals" in 2010. Unfortunately, the data gathering and processing have not proceeded smoothly over the past couple of years, so that the placement report from last year has been delayed until this fall. We hope to have both a placement report and a departments report to submit in January. The journals report from 2007 has recently been published. I would like to take this opportunity to say, once again, that if the APA really wants these reports written in a timely fashion and with real authority, it will need to hire a professional statistician to process the data.
In addition to the writing of reports, the Committee also has a responsibility to foster conversations within the APA membership on the status of women and minority groups. To this end, in Anaheim we are sponsoring a panel discussion on "Recruiting and Retaining Minorities and Women in Classics: from Undergraduate to Tenured Faculty."
Campus Advisory Service (Submitted by Stephen Nimis). As Director of the Campus Advisory Committee this past year, I received two requests for Program Review teams for Classics Departments and one unusual request for a team of reviewers to assess written projects from advanced undergraduate courses in Classics as part of an assessment project. I sent names of reviewers from our vetted list for this purpose.
A more serious appeal came to me from a college in the midwest, where an interim administration charged with saving money refused to replace a retiring faculty member. In this case it was not possible to offer more than advice and sympathy. The remaining faculty there were mobilizing alumni and donors to save the program. I have not heard from the faculty there recently, but I noticed that they hired a new Visiting Assistant Professor this fall; so it appears that they have at least managed to buy some time for themselves.
Another appeal came to me from a university in the midwest, where another small program was being put in jeopardy by administrators, not persuaded of the value of the Classics. Good faith attempts by the current faculty to revise their program in order to make better use of their resources proved to be of no avail. The administration seemed committed to ending the offering of ancient Greek. The department still hopes to work with the large, local Greek American community, who have been generous donors in the past, to persuade the administration that both Modern and Ancient Greek should be preserved. They have a promising new major on the drawing board (not yet approved) that will pool all their majors, allowing a specialization in advanced Latin or Greek (if offered) for students who want to study the field in depth (the High and Highest Distinction tracks), while allowing a simple honors track for students who want to do Classics-in-translation with no more than 2 years of Latin or Greek (if offered).
Unfortunately, given the state of the economy and its long-term prospects, this kind of non-renewal of faculty as a form of budget-cutting is likely to become more common in the future, and the APA must be prepared to meet the challenges this places before us. One suggestion that I have not had time to implement would be to prepare some kind of set of answers to frequently asked questions, e.g., what to say if there is a proposal to cut Classics; what to say if there is a proposal to eliminate Greek to make way for Arabic or Chinese; what to say if there is a proposal to get rid of more traditional departments to make way for more hip interdisciplinary or postdisciplinary programs. I have been deeply involved at my own campus in discussing these kinds of issues and I am a little surprised I have not heard from more at-risk programs in the past year. The most recent issue of Critical Inquiry has essays on disciplinarity, with two especially on philology (Sheldon Pollock, "Future Philology? The Fate of a Soft Science in a Hard World" and François Hartog, "The Double Fate of the Classics"), which is just the tip of an enormous iceberg of commentary on the future of the humanities, of classics, of the university as we know it. The APA needs to be engaged in this discussion.
Respectfully submitted,
James M. May
Vice-President for Professional Matters
Program. The elected members of the 2009 Program Committee were Elizabeth Asmis, Sharon James, Steven Oberhelman, Jeffrey Rusten, and myself. We met twice in Philadelphia to consider submissions for the 2010 meetings, to be held in Anaheim. Heather Hartz Gasda and Adam Blistein provided indispensable support in making our meetings possible and our deliberations efficient.
1. At our first spring meeting (April 18) the Committee evaluated 23 proposals for panels (including 4 Organizer-Refereed Panels), 1 seminar, 1 workshop, and 2 roundtable discussions; we also approved the charter renewal of 12 existing Affiliated Groups (Category II), and invited resubmission of the charter application of 1 new group (the group subsequently decided not to resubmit its application). 13 applications for At-Large Panels were submitted (5 of these APA/AIA Joint Submissions), of which we accepted 4 (in the process reclassifying 1 as a workshop), rejected 9, and invited 1 to revise and resubmit (this panel subsequently declined the invitation). AIA did not accept any of the 5 APA/AIA Joint Submissions, but the panel accepted by your Committee will of course be given on the APA program.
The Committee approved the proposed seminar, workshop, and roundtable discussions and 2 of the 4 proposals for Organizer-Refereed Panels, inviting the other 2 Organizer-Refereed panels to revise and resubmit. 3 of the 6 panels submitted by APA Committees were accepted, the other 3 being invited to revise and resubmit. The now-traditional panel sponsored by the APA / AIA Joint Committee on Placement was scheduled to follow the reception on the opening night of the meetings: the theme this year will be "The University and Beyond: Careers for Classicists." We also reviewed 18 panels submitted by affiliated groups: the committee asked two affiliated groups to insure that there would be adequate time for discussion at their sessions and asked another group to provide a more legible copy of its report.
2. At the April meeting the Committee also discussed the APA / CA Joint Panel to be organized by the APA for the CA Annual Conference in late March or April 2011. According to the protocols approved by the Board in 2008, the organizer of the APA-sponsored panels is to be a member of the Program Committee or a membe of the association chosen by the Committee. In the Committee's discussion, Elizabeth Asmis said that she would consider organizing the panel, and the Committee agreed to revisit the matter again at its June meeting.
3. The Committee met again for two days on June 12-13. We approved all 5 of the resubmitted proposals mentioned above (requesting, in the case of one panel, that one paper be dropped) and the proposal for the first of the APA / CA Joint Panels, organized by Tim Whitmarsh of the CA for the Anaheim meetings. The adjudication of 312 individual abstracts was the main item of business. This number was down 6.5% from the 334 abstracts submitted for the Philadelphiameetings just past and 30% from the record 446 abstracts submitted for the meeting in San Diegoin 2007: as always, it is very difficult to draw any correlation between the meetings' venue and the number of abstracts submitted. (Our experience with other recent meetings was 358 for San Francisco in 2004, 378 abstracts forBoston in 2005, 390 for Montrealin 2006, and 381 for Chicagoin 2008. On the afternoon of the second day the Committee organized the accepted papers into sessions, identified potential presiders, and drafted a preliminary program for the meetings in Chicago.
Every year before the June meeting, each of the five members of the Committee independently reads, writes comments upon, and rates every individual abstract on a scale of 1 to 4; thanks to Adam Blistein and Heather Gasda, the committee continued to enjoyed the benefit of receiving the abstracts a full week earlier than had once been customary, making the process a good deal less pressurized. After the committee members have submitted their ratings, Heather Gasda collates them in tabular form in advance of the meeting: the collated ratings provide the basis for our discussions. In cases where the committee members agree, there is little discussion. Otherwise we discuss each abstract until a consensus is reached. The discussion of the abstracts, which is often extensive and always collegial, constitutes the most enjoyable part of our work. There are no quotas. We consider all abstracts on their own merits and in accordance with the published guidelines.
Of the 312 abstracts submitted, the Committee accepted 76 or 24.4%, down from the acceptance rate (31.5%) of last year. Women submitted 136 abstracts (43.6%), men 176 (56.4%), proportions almost identical to those of last year. The acceptance rate for men (30.8%) was roughly equivalent to the overall acceptance rate of last year, while the acceptance rate for women (16.1%) was down markedly: the Committee is in equal parts troubled and puzzled by the latter statistic. We received (roughly speaking) 163 proposals on Greek subjects (52.2%), 122 on Roman topics (39.1%), with the remaining 27 (8.6%) devoted to topics such as linguistics, reception, and pedagogy. The top three categories for submissions were Greek tragedy (27), Latin Epic (23), and Latin poetry other than epic, drama, and elegy (23); submissions in Roman history, which last year was tied with Latin Epic as the most popular category, were down by over one half. The accompanying tables provide further statistics on this year's abstracts and a comparison with last year's.
4. At its June meetings the Committee also took up several other items of business. Elizabeth Asmis confirmed her willingness to organize the APA / CA Joint Panel, and the Committee accepted her suggested topic, on current issues in ancient philosophy. Professor Asmis also proposed that the workshop format of the annual meetings be expanded to include discussions of recent and important books in the field: I will present a formal proposal on this matter to the Board at the conclusion of this report. The Committee reviewed with Adam Blistein the prospect of having a system of online submissions in place in time for next year's round of meetings, and in that connection discussed measures to guarantee that abstracts' formats conform to APA requirements. We also took up the issues raised by sessions jointly sponsored by an APA committee and an affiliated group, when the procedures of the two different kinds of groups do not quite mesh (this discussion was occasioned by our acceptance of a proposal for a panel jointly sponsored by the Committee on Ancient History and the Women's Classical Caucus, to be held in 2011). Finally, the Committee also decided to hold a workshop of its own in Anaheim, to discuss the craft of writing a successful abstract.
5. There will be one seminar in Anaheim: "The Text of Propertius," organized by Richard J. Tarrant. As in the past, the papers for these seminars will be circulated to interested members in advance of the meetings, and the session itself will concentrate on extensive discussion of the papers; participation will be limited according to the space available. We warmly urge members to consider submitting proposals for seminars at future meetings.
6. Josh Ober's presidential panel will be on "Classical Antiquity and Social Science." His presidential address is titled "Wealthy Hellas."
7. As always, we are eager to learn of any initiatives that the membership would like the Committee to undertake to enrich the annual program, and I invite the members to send their suggestions and comments to me or any of the continuing members of the committee.
8. On the Committee's behalf I warmly thank all those who have submitted abstracts, organized panels, and agreed to chair sessions for the meeting in Philadelphia; and Adam Blistein and Heather Gasda for their help in all aspects of preparing the program. Speaking for myself, and I am sure the membership at large, I also warmly thank my colleagues on the Program Committee, whose service demands weeks of their time each year, and in particular the colleague whose term is now ending, Sharon James: I can say that I have never so enjoyed disagreeing with someone, or learned so much in the process.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert A. Kaster
Proposal for Change in Program Guide Language [approved by the Board of Directors on September 26, 2009]
The Program Committee wishes to propose a slight revision of the description of one of the annual meeting's programmatic categories, intended to broaden the scope of the workshop format. The proposed revision comprises the words underlined in the description below, which stands in the annual program insert that appears at the same time as the October issue of the Newsletter.
"Workshops as a rule concentrate on timely pedagogical issues, recently published books of broad interest in the field, or major research projects of interest to a broad spectrum of the membership. They usually consist of a presentation by the organizer(s) or a small panel of invited commentators, followed by a lengthy discussion period."
Publications. As VP for Publications, I attended a one-day retreat held in New Yorkon 1 September by VP for Research Roger Bagnall, who will report on that separately. I mention only to emphasize that we are looking at both the process (research) and the methods of reporting the process (publications) in a more connected way that has been possible in the past.
In early December, I will host a retreat, with costs funded by a small grant from the Mellon Foundation, of the Publications Committee and a selection of other leading scholars and APA officers. We will review the goals of APA publishing, the possibilities of new media and new business models, and develop recommendations for how best to use the limited resources of the Association to advance the profession. I will be able to report preliminarily to the Board at the January meetings.
Of particular interest is the continuing transformation of the Association's website, the emergence of the portal concept, and the connection to the fundraising campaign. None of these steps is under the committee's purview, but we are well aware that there are important links, and I will participate actively in the coming discussions. Robin Mitchell-Boyask's service to the Association as our web editor has been of literally incomparable value and sets a high standard for us to equal when he comes to step down.
Below I include summary reports from the three editors of APA Publications. Sander Goldberg is in his first year with Textbooks, Allen Miller is in his final year and Katharina Volk is in her "pre-year" with TAPA, and Kathryn Gutzwiller is in her final year with Monographs. Given the uncertainties surrounding the goals and directions of the monograph series in particular, I have postponed a search for her replacement and she and I are discussing how best to handle an extended transition. I particularly express my gratitude on behalf of the Association to Kathryn and Allen, as they conclude their terms, and to Sander and Katharina, for their initiative and commitment to the profession and the Association. [Editor's Note: Prof. Gutzwiller subsequently agreed to serve an additional year as Monographs Editor so that the selection of her successor could be based on decisions reached during the Publications Division Retreat described above.]
Report of the Editor of the APA Monograph Series (submitted by Kathryn Gutzwiller). As my term as Editor of the APA Monographs nears a close, I report a healthy stream of publications, manuscripts in production, manuscripts under review, and proposals received. Since last years' report, two manuscripts have been published:
Bruce Heiden, Homer's Cosmic Fabrication: Choice and Design in the "Iliad..
Judson Herrman, Hyperides: Funeral Oration.
One manuscript is currently in page proofs:
Noel Robertson, Religion and Reconciliation in Greek Cities: Rules of Sacrifice at Selinus and Cyrene.
Two manuscripts are expected to go into production this fall:
Scott Garner, Traditional Elegy: The Interplay of Meter, Tradition, and Context in Early Greek Poetry.
Bob Kaster, Studies on the Text of Macrobius' "Saturnalia".
Of three proposals received, two were accepted and one rejected. Of two manuscripts submitted for review, one was accepted and one rejected. A number of authors whose proposals have been accepted have recently been in contact with me as they prepare their manuscripts for submission. I anticipate that the new editor will inherit an active series, with works in various stages of completion.
Report of the Editor of the APA Textbook Series (submitted by Sander Goldberg). I inherited four projects from my predecessor, Justina Gregory, two in the Textbook series and two under the Resources heading. Of the latter, a study of ancient Roman philology remains in the formative stage. The proposal for a Guide to Information-literate Research for Classicists has been withdrawn. The desirability of such a guide and the appropriate form it should take may well be subjects for discussion at our December retreat.
As for Textbooks, a commentary on Cicero, De divinatione 1 is being prepared for submission; one on Plautus' Truculentus continues to work its way through the refereeing process. Four new projects have joined the list under my watch. The complete MS. of a translation of H. Hausmaninger and R. Gamauf's Casebook zur römischen Sachenrecht, 10th ed. (Vienna 2003) has begun the refereeing process. Commentaries on Euripides, Bacchae and Thucydides, Books 6-7 have been proposed: the authors have been encouraged to submit their work. Finally, a proposed commentary on Seneca, De constantia sapientis is now being developed as a digital, probably web-based work.
Report of the Editors of TAPA (submitted by Paul Allen Miller and Katharina Volk). TAPAproduced issue 139. 1 on time and 139.2 has gone to press. The transition from Paul Allen Miller's editorship to that of Katharina Volk has been very smooth, with the incoming and outgoing editor coordinating their work. Professor Volk started receiving submissions in May. Issue 140.1 is well into the planning stages. The following statistics are somewhat incomplete, since they do not include submissions for which Professor Volk has been in charge of refereeing.
Since August 2008 TAPA has received 35 new submissions and 3 resubmissions. Of these 38 authors 24 were male and 14 female. 37 of 38 submissions were refereed. The rejection rate for refereed articles is 75.6% (28 of 37 rejected), the acceptance rate for refereed articles is 24.4% (9 of 37 accepted), and the rate of requests for revision is 16.2% (6 of 37). Of the 38 submissions, 20 treated Greek topics (52.6%), and 18 treated Latin topics (47.4%).
Professor Volk reports that since taking over, she has received 14 submissions and one resubmission. All were or are being reviewed. 9 were on Greek topics, 6 on Roman ones. 11 authors are male, 4 female. So far, she have rejected 4 papers, accepted 2, and asked 2 authors to revise and resubmit. The others are still in the process of being reviewed.
James J. O'Donnell
Research. The Research Committee met on September 1, 2009, at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, with its full membership present and with Vice Presidents Judith Hallett and James O'Donnell also in attendance; Tom Elliott, associate director for digital programs at ISAW was also present as a guest. The discussion ranged widely and without fixed agenda. It started from the widely shared view that the agenda set out in Research Tools for the Classics (1980) had been successfully realized to a remarkable extent. There is a great deal to celebrate, thanks to the collaborative efforts of a group of energetic and entrepreneurial project directors, a series of effective vice presidents, steady hands in the APA's executive office, and the advisory wisdom, and often active engagement, of a host of committee and subcommittee members.
At the same time, it is clear that the world of research resources today is so different from that of a generation ago that we need to rethink the terrain and ask what a useful role for the Association in this domain will be in the years ahead. The committee strongly reaffirmed the Association's main strategy of playing a role as catalyst, organizer, supporter, reviewer, and adviser of projects, rather than actually running them itself. Although the Association is, in terms of staff and finances, far more robust than it was in 1980 (as Adam Blistein remarked), its resources remain stretched by the services it provides, and it is not likely to have the funding or space to undertake large projects on its own in the foreseeable future.
First, despite the success of the APA's research agenda over the last three decades, there remain significant gaps in the research tools available for the field, broadly construed. These offer possibilities for major projects to be undertaken, even if the way they would be approached now would be different from what it was even twenty years ago. (Many things could also be done much more easily now than they could have been a generation ago.) Among the main areas mentioned in this connection were
a. The Latin literary textual corpus, over its full chronological range, in a form both widely (and preferably freely) available and of high quality. Existing resources are either patchy and expensive, or of poor quality.
b. Biographical databases of ancient persons ("prosopographies"), especially for the Roman world below the level of the elite, but in many other areas as well. The TLL's files for names in Latin texts, which are largely unexploited, might contribute to this end.
c. Modern performances of ancient literature (not limited to drama), where a number of partial projects remain incompletely developed.
d. Biographical databases of scholars of classical antiquity, from the Renaissance to the present, where there is a patchwork of printed sources.
e. Epigraphy: many databases exist, total coverage is good but incoherence of incompatible databases continues to make research difficult.
Several of these projects would involve other APA divisions as well as Research and offer the opportunity for collaboration. They also offer opportunities for international collaboration in their creation.
Future projects, in the committee's view, need to avoid idiosyncratic technological platforms and structures, using instead standard formats for data and reusable tooling to reduce costs and promote interchange of data between databases. They are also likely to need, at least after an initial phase, to rely heavily on volunteer contributions of content ("crowdsourcing"). At the same time, such an approach will require some form of quality control through peer review. The APA can usefully provide guidance on technological approaches and standards that will maximize the possibilities for new or ongoing projects to be part of a larger information infrastructure and will minimize costs. It can in this role also be a persistent advocate for improvement of existing resources.
Beyond the potential projects mentioned above, a significant area of need, in which Research would again need to work with other APA divisions, is translations into English (but potentially also other modern languages) of ancient works not now readily available in translation. Late antique and technical literature were singled out as areas where a large amount of material is not now available in English, and sometimes not in any modern language. Given the bulkiness of many of these works, and the idiosyncrasies of their Greek and Latin, few users have real access to them in the original. Experience shows that good translations of such works can bring them into the mainstream of scholarship more effectively than any other method. A starting point would be a database of published translations. Volunteer labor would be critical to such a venture. Many members of the committee expressed strong support for such a project, which would probably involve both digital and print publication.
A second major area of discussion was peer review, which is a central competency of the APA, visible in the large majority of its activities. Both in its portal and in other respects the Association has an important opportunity to use this strength to assess digital resources (to serve as an "enlightened gatekeeper"). Such assessment would have two important uses: (a) Guiding users at all levels to those web resources that are of high quality and (b) validating digital work, especially long-term collaborative digital projects, as part of the scholarly work of classicists being evaluated for promotion, tenure, and other purposes. This assessment might usefully be carried out in collaboration with British (and perhaps other) scholarly organizations with similar concerns. Different types of peer review may be appropriate for different types of work, especially where collaboration is involved.
In this respect, the recent trend toward quality or prestige rankings of journals (usually for the purpose of evaluation of faculty) may offer an opportunity for the APA to use its peer review capabilities in a beneficial fashion. Some members of the committee thought that we should create our own rankings instead of letting others do so. But there was little unanimity on exactly what we should or could do. The annual gathering of editors of classical and archaeological journals should be used for a discussion of what role the APA (and perhaps other organizations) might usefully play in this respect. Here again, international cooperation may be more fruitful than a purely American approach.
A third pervasive theme of comments during the meeting was the need for the APA to use its influence as far as possible to maximize opportunities for access to classical resources by all interested persons, of whatever status and in whatever country. The varieties of charging policies now in use complicate this task, but in collaboration with other societies and organizations like the ACLS there may be ways of helping to democratize access and thus expanding the public for the study of classical antiquity.
The fourth major area of discussion, on which many remarks during the day centered, was the development of the discipline's human resources. Some key points concerned
a. The importance of special opportunities for students and faculty from multiple institutions and levels to learn together and develop networks. The great use of venues like the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, excavations, summer seminars, and similar events for the simultaneous acquisition of skills and development of national and international professional networks was stressed.
b. The various stages of educational development, which offer different opportunities, including high school students, college students, postbacs, graduate students, and younger faculty. Summer programs ("Tanglewood for classicists") seem particularly promising. In all cases, the focus would be on research skills and opportunities, but these will vary by level. A number of models were discussed, including both centralized and distributed ones, and rotating and permanent. It might be possible to find external funding for some of these (NEH for faculty; the APA's new endowment funds and private foundations for others, most likely).
c. Providing financial aid for participants, which would be a central concern of all such enterprises, to avoid simply providing additional opportunities to those who have the most already. Both research and APA experience show that intervention with financial aid really does make a difference in enabling both minorities and all students who are first-generation college students to enter the academic track.
d. Providing tutorial instruction (probably on-line, but sometimes perhaps also in some of the venues already mentioned) in the use of the main research tools, so that students and faculty can get the most from them.
e. Offering guidance, perhaps through short pamphlets (or their online equivalents) for younger members of the profession, on practical topics related to research (including time management).
A fifth set of concerns revolved around professional issues in the area of research. The APA has various existing statements of principle and counsel for the profession about research, faculty evaluation, and professional ethics. These need to be reviewed to make sure they are adequate for the contemporary conditions of work in the academy and the nature of research today. New statements may be needed in some areas, such as the responsibilities of researchers or best practice for reviewers of books and articles. At the same time, the Division should think about ways to inform the membership more regularly about relevant developments through the Newsletter. Targeted sessions at the annual meeting should also be considered.
Preservation was a sixth area of discussion. As the first great generation of ancient world digital projects comes to an end, the need for procedures to preserve born-digital files, curate them, and keep them usable by future generations is increasingly obvious. The APA can play a role in helping develop such a facility and establishing procedures and principles for it.
As I mentioned at the outset, the basic principle that the APA's role is not to manage or operate projects, but rather to advise, support, and legitimate them, was reaffirmed. This honest broker role could be extended. The Association may also be able to serve as a clearinghouse or exchange between needs and opportunities. For example, people with libraries or slide collections they are looking for homes for at the end of their careers and those who need these resources; people looking for volunteer opportunities (perhaps in retirement) and editors needing help in improving the English of articles submitted by authors whose native language is not English. Collaborative projects online might be good opportunities for "gypsy" scholars who have limited time for scholarly work to contribute--with credit--to large undertakings, and the APA could help facilitate such involvement.
A final pervasive theme, referred to in several of the points above, is the need for the Research Division to look both to other divisions of the APA and to both domestic and foreign counterparts for collaborators in most future undertakings. Not only is scholarship more globalized than it was a generation ago, but the distinctions between different areas of the Association's work are significantly effaced. Other learned societies face the same issues that we do, and there may be significant savings in addressing them together.
It will be evident that the committee's discussions provided enough ideas to generate work for years to come for many brains and hands. As was true of the proposals of the ad hoc committee thirty years ago, the ideas put forth here will need much work simply to be formulated into coherent and viable plans. The next step, in my opinion, is for us to start creating ad hoc task forces to develop some of these ideas and see if they can be turned into real projects. Many, although not all, of these task forces should be cross-divisional. Given the fact that the membership of the committee is overwhelmingly ex officio (there are only four members appointed directly to the Research Committee itself), we will in any case need to involve many people from outside the committee in this work--building, perhaps, the foundations for longer-term committees of the kind that have proven so successful in guiding research tool projects for a generation.
Roger S. Bagnall
8 September 2009
Virginia Brown, Senior Fellow Emeritus at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, died at her home in Cambridge, Massachusetts on July 4, 2009. The cause of her death was bilio-pancreatic cancer. She was 68 years old. She is survived by her husband, James Hankins.
Ginny was a distinguished paleographer, medievalist, and editor. She was recognized as a leading authority in medieval Latin paleography, and especially on Beneventan script, which was widely written in southern Italy and along the Dalmatian coast from 800 to 1600. Ever on the hunt for what she loved to call "the precious script," she discovered thousands of new examples of it in libraries all over Europe. Combining her paleographical skills with a profound historical knowledge, she was able to date and localize examples of the script, associating its use with particular monastic centers and liturgical practices. She edited medieval and Renaissance texts, but also the work of contemporary scholars--in some ways an even more formidable task. Her books include The Textual Transmission of Caesar's Civil War (1972) and Terra Sancti Benedicti: Studies in the Palaeography, History, and Liturgy of Medieval Southern Italy (2004). She collaborated with E.A. Lowe on the supplement volume (1971) and the revised and expanded volume 2 (1972) of Codices latini antiquiores: A Palaeographical Guide to Manuscripts prior to the Ninth Century. With L. Bieler she edited E. A. Lowe's Palaeographical Papers 1907-1965 (1972). She edited, revised, and expanded E. A. Lowe's 1914 work, The Beneventan Script (1980). She was a founder of the series Monumenta Liturgica Beneventana and an editor of three of its volumes. In addition, she edited the journal Mediaeval Studiesal Studies from 1975 to 1988 and was the editor in chief of Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, vols. 7-9. She also edited and translated Boccaccio's work On Famous Women, the inaugural volume of the I Tatti Renaissance Library series edited by her husband James Hankins (2001). This book sold out its initial press run of 4500 copies in two months and came out as a paperback in 2003.
Ginny's accomplishments won her many awards and distinctions. She was a fellow of the American Academy in Rome (1966-68). In 2005 the Medieval Academy of America honored her with its distinguished teaching award. In the same year she received the prestigious Killam Research Leave Fellowship from the Canada Council for her project on "Writing Centres in the Lands of St. Benedict," a major work that was unfinished at the time of her death. Also in 2005 her students and colleagues held a symposium in her honor at Ohio State University; the resulting Festschrift, entitled Classica et Beneventana: Essays Presented to Virginia Brown on the Occasion of her 65th Birthday, was edited by Frank Coulson and Anna Grotans and published in 2005. A symposium honoring both Ginny and James Hankins was held at UCLA in 2007. The symposium volume, Thrice-born Latinity, is now in press. Ginny also achieved great prominence in her beloved southern Italy. She was made an honorary citizen of Benevento in 2006, and was celebrated in a conference in her honor at Montecassino in 2008.
Ginny was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi on October 11, 1940. Her parents lived in Lake Providence, Louisiana--which was too small to boast a hospital. Her mother was a Latin teacher; her father owned Lake Providence's local newspaper, the Banner-Democrat. She attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans, graduating in 1958, and winning a distinction that would be prophetic of her later accomplishments: she was the first girl ever to win the coveted Latin prize previously assumed to be safely in the hands of the boys trained by the Jesuits. She earned her B.A. from Manhattenville College in 1962 and her M.A. from the University of North Carolina in 1964. In the fall of 1964 she entered the graduate program in classics at Harvard.
I came to Harvard at the same time, and Ginny and I met in our first week in Cambridge, in the old Radcliffe Graduate Centeron Ash Street, where both of us lived. We were drawn together initially by the fact that we were both two years older than the other first-year students (I had been studying at the Universityof Edinburgh while she was at North Carolina), and we soon became boon companions in a friendship that continued for the next forty-five years. Harvard was not an easy place for women in those days (we could not even come to the talks by outside speakers, which were typically held in men's residence houses that were off limits to female students). But Ginny and I both survived--I because I soon married and lived at a distance from the hotbed of the department, and Ginny because of her formidable talent and determination.
In 1966 Ginny won the Rome Prize and went off for two years at the American Academy to work on the dissertation on the manuscript tradition of Caesar that she was writing under the direction of Wendell Clausen. In Rome she perfected her Italian, which she soon spoke with perfect fluency (and always with a strong southern accent), and she enrolled in the famous course in paleography and diplomatics at the Vatican Library. She earned the diploma di paleografo-archivista in 1968, becoming the first American ever to earn that distinction. She returned to the United States in 1968 to take up a position as assistant to the renowned paleographer, E. A. Lowe, then in his nineties, and remained with him at the Institute for Advanced Studies until his death a year later. She brought his last works to fruition and saw them through publication. In 1969 she received her Ph.D. in Classical Philology from Harvard. I emphasize the field of her Ph.D. because I know that Ginny would want me to. She made her career in medieval studies, but she began as a classicist and considered a sound classical and (above all) philological training indispensable to work in the later periods. She joined the American Philological Association in 1980 and became a life member in 1984.
Ginny joined the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto as a Junior Fellow in 1970, thereby achieving another first. She was the first woman ever to be appointed to that position. She became a Senior Fellow in 1974 and was appointed Professor at the University of Toronto in 1975. She remained at the PIMS until her retirement in 2006. She taught a wide range of subjects, but especially editing of Latin texts, codicology, and of course paleography. The workload was heavy: Ginny told me not long after her retirement that she had corrected over 5000 paleographical exercises in her career at the PIMS. She taught with the same meticulous care and intellectual honesty that characterized her scholarship, winning the gratitude and affection of the scholars she trained and supervised. Her teaching was recognized by the Medieval Academy with its teaching award and by the Festschrift in her honor, but I think that she was most moved by the album of tributes and reminiscences that she received from her students a few weeks before her death.
One of Ginny's greatest tasks at the PIMS was single handedly editing its journal, Mediaeval Studies. The fourteen volumes she edited, each dense with hundreds of codicological and philological details, were typically 500 to 600 pages long. She was finally able to relinquish the duty in 1989. The next volume, she reported with great satisfaction, was edited by four men.
Ginny's teaching and editing are an essential part of her scholarly legacy and would be sufficient in their own right. Above all, however, she will be remembered for her original scholarship and her contribution to the understanding of the diffusion of Beneventan script and its role in the historical and religious life of medieval southern Italy. But I am sure that she would not have separated her activities into categories as I have done. Her intellectual life was all of a piece, and it all arose from the same set of qualities. The photographic visual memory that made her one of the most distinguished paleographers of her generation, her meticulous concern for accuracy, her intellectual integrity, and her determination to get to the bottom of things (she was the most insatiably curious person I ever knew), operated together across all her activities.
One of the greatest sources of happiness in Ginny's life was her marriage with James Hankins, which turned out to be a perfect partnership of interests and affection. Together they traveled to Italy, edited texts, and relaxed in Barbados, where Ginny loved to go each winter to escape the cold she hated in Toronto and Cambridge. Jim was an associate editor of the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, and Ginny served on the advisory board of the I Tatti Renaissance Library.
Ginny was deeply and genuinely modest by nature. She knew what she had accomplished and enjoyed the distinctions she had received, but she was always a little surprised by them. She had a naturally cheerful nature, and she could charm the birds out of the trees. One of my favorite memories is of an outing Ginny and Jim and my husband and I made in Naples a few years ago. The four of us decided to make a pilgrimage first to Vergil's tomb and then to Sannazaro's. All went well enough with Vergil's, but when we arrived at the site of Sannazaro's, the church that housed it was closed, shut up tight as only a church in Italy can be. While the rest of us were milling around deciding what to do, we suddenly missed Ginny, and I said facetiously that she was no doubt off somewhere persuading the priest to let us in. At that moment she and the priest appeared, already thick as thieves, and we enjoyed a splendid half hour admiring the tomb. It was always fun to be with her. Even when we had not seen each other for several years, we always picked up just where we had left off and were soon laughing and talking just as we had first done at Harvard so long ago.
Ginny launched many students and colleagues into profitable areas of research, and I have my own debt of gratitude to record. Many years ago she encouraged me to write the article on Catullus for the Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, guided me through the pitfalls of manuscript research, and edited my work with a ruthless but essentially kindly eye--thereby bringing me into a field I would never have thought of without her.
Virginia Brown had the gift of friendship. Communications from all over the world poured into her apartment at the time of her death--over five hundred cards, letters, e-mails, and flower baskets, bearing words of sorrow and affection in several languages. A memorial service was held for her by the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies on October 22, 2009. A tribute also appears on the PIMS website ( A detailed account of her life and accomplishments by Lucia Gualdo Rosa will be published in Aevum.
Julia Gaisser
Bryn Mawr College
Jørgen Mejer died at his home in Copenhagenon September 7, 2009, at the age of 67 after a long and distinguished career. He had been Reader of Classics at the University of Copenhagensince 1974.
After beginning his undergraduate work at Copenhagen, Mejer attended Harvard on a Ford Foundation Fellowship, receiving an MA degree in 1964. He earned the Magister Artium degree, the equivalent of an American doctorate, from Copenhagenthree years later, and completed his Danish doctorate, the equivalent of a German Habilitation, there in 1979. In that year he became Chair of the Board of Directors of the University Extension in Copenhagen, an independent organization, supported by the government and run by university professors. During his fourteen years as chair, the Extension increased its enrollment from 4,000 to 12,000 part-time students.
A Junior Fellow at Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, D.C. in 1972-1973, Mejer enjoyed a truly international academic career. He held a series of visiting positions in the United States (Princeton, CUNY Graduate Center, Texas, and for several semesters and sixteen consecutive summers at Maryland). In 1995 he was a guest professor at Nankai University in Tianjin, China; and from 2001-2003 he served as Director of the Danish Institute at Athens and Cultural Councilor at the Danish Embassy in Athens. In all these positions, in addition to his academic work, he spread good will through his direct personal touch, taking time with students and colleagues to talk about their interests, to which he always had something to contribute. He joined the APA in 1976, attended many annual meetings, and developed many close, long-lasting relationships with American colleagues. During his years in Athenshe hosted a steady stream of international visitors and actively fostered cooperation among the Foreign Schools.
Mejer was a specialist in the history of ancient philosophy in antiquity, always seeking to better understand our current view of ancient philosophy by exploring its roots in antiquity. His books -- Diogenes Laertius and his Hellenistic Background (l978) and Die Überlieferung der Philosophie im Altertum (2000) -- and many articles have made him a major figure in this area. But he was not a narrow specialist, and he published on many other classical authors including the Presocratics, Plato, the Attic tragedians, Theophrastus and Cicero.
In addition, as Secretary-General of the Scandinavian Society for the Classical Tradition ("The Plato Society") from 1979-1987, and as a member of the Society's board from 1987-1993, Mejer played a pioneering role in launching classical reception studies in Scandinavia. He instituted a program on the classical tradition at his own university and made a substantial impact on cultural life in Denmark through his extraordinary efforts in the area of classical outreach. He developed and administered Classical Civilization programs for adult learners at the University Extension, and shared the insights of classical learning with the wider public in lectures and radio and television appearances.
From the beginning, Mejer was concerned with the future of classical studies in Denmark. He often lamented the absence or inadequacy of translations of ancient works, and did his part to remedy this, beginning with a Danish translation with commentary of the Presocratic philosophers in 1971 (a kind of Danish Kirk-Raven-Schofield), which was completely revised and expanded for a two-volume second edition in 1994-95. A translation of Cicero's Laelius De Amicitia soon followed (1975), and since 2000 Mejer has been the main editor of a seven-volume Danish translation of the Platonic corpus.
Mejer also translated several Greek tragedies into contemporary Danish in collaboration with the poet Søren Ulrik Thomsen. Hans Hertel, with whom Mejer collaborated on a seven-volume history of world literature (1985-93), praises these translations for uniting philological precision and the power of language to a most unusual degree. To Hertel, Mejer provided a paradigm for the classical humanist: curious, precise in detail, broad in both perspective and involvements, and gifted at rendering the superfluous necessary. Hertel also notes Mejer's "self-irony" in dividing his many scholarly publications into those in Danish, "unknown abroad," and "those in other languages that were ignored in Denmark."
A Festschrift for Mejer, published in 2002 on the occasion of his 60th birthday, brought together his Danish and non-Danish friends and readers to celebrate the panoramic scope of his intellectual interests and personal interactions. Entitled Noctes Atticae: Articles on Greco-Roman Antiquity and its Nachleben, and edited by five of his Copenhagen students, it contains 34 articles by scholars in Denmark, Germany, Greece, Holland, the UK and the US in English, German and French, on ancient philosophy, Greek literature, Greek archaeology, Roman literature, textual criticism and history, and the "Nachleben and Rezeption" of Antiquity. It hails Mejer as "a driving force, sometimes a prime mover, of international and indeed breathtaking dimensions," "an inspiring teacher," and a "dear friend," a description that is echoed by many who knew him. He will be much missed in many parts of the world.
To recall Ovid's words when lamenting the loss of his beloved literary colleague, the poet Tibullus:
Auxisti numeros, culte sodalis, pios.
In fond farewell:
Michael Gagarin, University of Texas
Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park
Stephen Tracy, Institute for Advanced Study
Deceased Members
During 2009 the Association learned of the deaths of the following members, some of whom, in fact, passed away before this year. We offer condolences to their families, friends, and colleagues. The names of life members are followed by an asterisk [*].
Lucy Brokaw*
Virginia Brown*
Lionel Casson*
Roger Hornsby
Harriet Jameson*
Edith Kovach
Donald Laing
Hugh Lloyd-Jones
Jorgen Mejer
Michael J. O'Brien*
Harland Berkley Peabody
Bryan P. Reardon
John Shayner
Peter G. Theis
Douglas F. S. Thomson
Elizabeth Lyding Will*
The APA salutes the following members who have supported its work for a half century or more. The year in which each joined the Association is given in parentheses. Please advise us if you observe any errors or omissions.
William S.Anderson (1955) James I. Armstrong (1948) Harry C.Avery (1955) Charles L. Babcock (1951) E. Badian (1960) Anastasius C.Bandy (1957) Hazel E. Barnes (1940) Herbert W. Benario (1950) Janice M. Benario (1953) Anna Shaw Benjamin (1952) Charles R.Beye (1955) J. David Bishop (1946) Francis R. Bliss (1951) Edward W. Bodnar (1948) Alan L. Boegehold (1957) Edwin L. Brown (1956) T. V. Buttrey (1959) William M. Calder III (1953) Howard Don Cameron (1956) Mary Eileen Carter (1948) Mortimer H. Chambers (1954) John R. Clark (1953) David D. Coffin (1947) Edward E. Cohen (1959) Robert E. Colton (1960) W. Robert Connor (1958) Edith Croft (1949) Stephen G.Daitz (1955) Mervin R. Dilts (1959) Norman A.Doenges (1955) Samuel F. Etris (1946) Louis H. Feldman (1950) Edwin D. Floyd (1959) Gordon Buell Ford (1956) Charles W. Fornara (1960) Ernst A. Fredricksmeyer (1957) Frank J. Frost (1959) Charles Fuqua (1960) Daniel J. Geagen (1959) Douglas E. Gerber (1956) Marie Giuriceo (1953) Leon Golden (1957) Frank J. Groten (1949) RichmondHathorn (1948) James M. Heath (1957) |
Charles Henderson (1950) Kevin Herbert (1955) Herbert M. Howe (1942) Louise Price Hoy (1947) Rolf O. Hubbe (1950) Henry R. Immerwahr (1941) William T. Jolly (1957) Elias Kapetanopoulos (1958) George A. Kennedy (1952) B. M. W. Knox (1959) Edgar Krentz (1954) Mabel Lang (1945) Gilbert Lawall (1958) M. Owen Lee (1960) Valdis Leinieks(1955) John O. Lenaghan (1956) Lydia H. Lenaghan (1960) Robert J. Lenardon (1952) Flora R. Levin (1956) Saul Levin (1948) Philip Levine (1952) L. R. Lind (1932) Robert B. Lloyd (1952) T. James Luce (1956) Hubert M. Martin (1956) Philip Mayerson (1949) William E. McCulloh (1960) P. J. McLaughlin (1944) Elizabeth M.McLeod (1955) Wallace McLeod (1957) Fred C. Mench (1960) Edwin P. Menes (1958) Robert T. Meyer (1948) Mary E. Milham (1952) Anna Lydia Motto (1953) Charles E. Murgia (1960) Grace Freed Muscarella (1953) Chester F. Natunewicz (1958) Mary Ann T. Natunewicz (1960) Francis Newton (1951) Helen F. North (1946) Jacob E. Nyenhuis (1960) Martin Ostwald (1949) Cecil Bennett Pascal (1955) John Peradotto (1959) |
Anthony J. Podlecki (1960) Hans A. Pohlsander (1960) Emil J. Polak (1959) Sarah B. Pomeroy (1957) Pietro Pucci (1959) Michael C. J. Putnam (1959) Beryl M. Rawson (1960) Kenneth J. Reckford (1958) Margaret Elaine Reesor (1950) L. Richardson, Jr. (1951) S. Dominic Ruegg (1958) Ursula Schoenheim (1956) William C. Scott (1956) James E. Seaver (1948) StanleyJ. Shechter (1959) Wesley D. Smith (1957) Robert P. Sonkowsky (1957) Olin J. Storvick (1952) Thomas A. Suits (1956) P. Michael Swan (1958) Roy Arthur Swanson(1955) MyraL. Uhlfelder (1946) Martha Heath Wiencke (1956) Michael Wigodsky (1958) John C. Williams (1951) Alice S. Wilson (1950) E. C. Witke (1960) G. Michael Woloch (1960) William F. Wyatt (1959) |
Annual Giving and Campaign Acknowledgments
Supplement to Dissertation Listings for 2008-09
Ohio State University
Erica Kallis reporting
In Progress:
Gabriel Fuchs, The Reception of Ovid's Poetry from Exile in the Renaissance (Frank Coulson).
The APA Division of Outreach and the APA Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance are creating a list of classicists with backgrounds in musical performance and the history of music. We are especially eager to identify individuals who would be willing to share their knowledge of both music and classical antiquity with individuals writing or performing works that are set in the ancient Greco-Roman world, draw on ancient Greek and Latin literary texts, or feature classical figures and themes.
If you would be willing to lend your expertise to this project, particularly by responding to queries from denizens of the musical world, please send a brief (200-300 word) biography describing your "credentials" and interests in both classics and music to Judith P. Hallett The deadline for inclusion in the initial list is February 28, but it will be updated regularly.
Sander Goldberg, UCLA, along with his co-author, Tom Beghin, received the Ruth A. Solie Award from the American Musicological Society for their book Haydn and the Performance of Rhetoric (University of Chicago Press, 2007). The Award honors a collection of musicological essays of exceptional merit published during the preceding calendar year in any language and in any country and edited by a scholar or scholars who are members of the AMS or citizens or permanent residents of Canada or the United States.
Integration and Identity in the Roman Republic, Manchester, UK, July 1-3, 2010. The project 'Integration and identity in the Roman Republic' is currently carried out by Saskia Roselaar at the University of Manchester. It aims to clarify the processes of integration between Italians and Romans in the period 340-91 BC. The issue of integration has been studied mainly in the context of the Romanization of Italy and the formation of identities in Italy, which are considered the result of increased contact between Romans and Italians. However, it still remains unclear in what contexts Romans and Italians came into contact with each other. The project's aim therefore is to study the points of contact between these groups: before we can say anything about the cultural and linguistic consequences of integration, we must know where and why exactly Romans and Italians met.
We would welcome papers on any aspect of integration and the formation of identity in the Roman Republic. We would particularly like to invite archaeologists and linguists, since it is clear that integration and identity cannot be studied by ancient historians alone. Some suggested topics are:
-Colonial landscapes
-Legal barriers for integration
-Ideas about integration among Romans and Italians
-Different modes of integration for various social classes
-Regional variations in the methods and results of integration
The deadline for abstracts is 1 March 2010. For further information write to
Ovid and Ovidianism, April 16-18, 2010, Omni Richmond Hotel, Richmond, VA. This conference is sponsored by the University of Richmond¹s Department of Classical Studies, and hosted by Carole Newlands, National Endowment for the Humanities Distinguished Visiting Professor in Classics for 2009-2010. The aim of this conference is to come to a more complete and nuanced understanding of what is involved in the concept of Ovidianism, with a particular focus on metamorphosis. To that end classicists, art historians, and specialists in European literature will come together to explore not only how writers and artists of various eras have drawn on, imitated and critiqued Ovid's works, but also how they have re-contextualized them. Others again have created Ovidian-style myths that cannot be sourced directly to Ovid, but whose formal features permit a play of ideological and stylistic affinities and differences with the Latin poet. A working definition of the term Ovidianism encompasses more than Nachleben for it calls attention to how later literature and art employs particular features of the style and method that we associate with Ovid in new and provocative ways--which of course in itself is very Ovidian.
For more information, see the conference web site:, or contact Michele Bedsaul by phone at (804) 289-8420, or by e-mail at
PacRim Latin Literature Seminar, Christchurch, New Zealand, July 7-9, 2010. The topic of the seminar will be auctoritas. The deadline for abstracts is February 28, 2010. For further information, write to the organizer, Prof. Robin Bond,
Summer Programs
University of Virginia Summer Language Institute, June 14-August 6, 2010. In the summer of 2010 the Department of Classics at the University of Virginia will again offer Latin as one of the University's Summer Language Institutes. The Latin program is an intensive course designed to cover two years of college-level Latin (12 credit hours earned) in only two months. Students who wish to acquire experience in reading Latin but do not require course credit may also choose a non-credit option. No previous knowledge of Latin is required for participation. The Summer Latin Institute is an excellent opportunity for motivated students to achieve rapid proficiency in Latin and serves a broad range of students from all over the United States. In addition to undergraduate and graduate students, enrollment is open to advanced high school students and individuals interested in learning a new language. The program is also ideally suited for recent college graduates about to begin a post-baccalaureate program in Classics, as well as graduate students in other disciplines who need to acquire rapid but sound proficiency in a secondary language.
The Institute begins with the fundamentals of Latin grammar, including elementary readings and composition. In the second half of the program, students read extensively from prose and verse authors at the intermediate level, in addition to completing more advanced exercises in prose composition and metrics. There are two three-hour blocks of formal instruction per day and supplementary review sessions in the evenings. Attendance in the morning and afternoon sessions is required of all students, regardless of whether they are enrolled for credit or non-credit. Furthermore, every student, regardless of type of enrollment, must earn a passing grade in each class of the first half of the SLI in order to participate in the second half of the program.
For additional information please visit our website ( or contact the Director and Lead Instructor of the 2010 Latin SLI, Tom Garvey (
University College Cork Intensive Latin And Greek Summer School, June 28-August 19, 2010. The Department of Classics offers an intensive 8-week summer school for beginners with parallel courses in Latin and Greek. The courses are primarily aimed at postgraduate students in diverse disciplines who need to acquire a knowledge of either of the languages for further study and research, and at teachers whose schools would like to reintroduce Latin and Greek into their curriculum.
In each language 6 weeks will be spent completing the basic grammar and a further 2 weeks will be spent reading simple, original texts. For further information and an application form see our website: contact Vicky Janssens, Department of Classics, University College Cork, Ireland, tel.: +353 21 4903618/2359, fax: +353 21 4903277, email:
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, "The 'Falls of Rome': The Transformations of Rome in Late Antiquity", American Academyin Rome, June 28-July 30, 2010. This seminar will focus on a topic that is fundamental to the study of antiquity; "What does it mean to say Rome fell?" Unlike other attempts to analyze the fall in terms of the political and military end of the Roman Empire, this seminar will focus on the capital of that empire, the city of Rome, in the late third to the seventh centuries. Through intensive study of texts and new archaeological remains, we will critically examine the reasons traditionally adduced for Rome's fall - political and/or military crisis - and search for more complete definitions, and more complete explanations, of societal change.
The seminar is founded on interdisciplinary interactions, including the collaboration of the Seminar Director, Michele Renee Salzman, a historian, with the Associate Director, Kimberly Bowes, an archaeologist. All readings and seminar discussion will be in English. We welcome applicants from a wide variety of fields in the humanities. Participants are chosen from university and college faculty who teach American post-secondary students. This includes faculty teaching abroad who teach American students. Applicants of all ranks and all levels of institution are welcome. In addition, two places are reserved for qualified advanced graduate students
For detailed information about the Seminar and the application go to the American Academyin Rome website, or contact the Director or Associate Director at the following addresses: Michele Renee Salzman, Universityof California at Riverside, or 951 827 1991. Kimberly Bowes, Cornell University, or or 917 699 0340. The deadline for application is March 2, 2010.
For a list of other NEH Summer Institutes for college and university teachers see
Bologna University Greek and Latin Summer School, June 28-July 16, 2010. The Department of Classics ( of Bologna University welcomes applications to its Greek and Latin Summer School. The teaching will be focused both on language and on literature; further classes will touch on moments of classical history and history of art, supplemented by visits to museums and archaeological sites (in Bologna and Rome). The Greek course will be for beginners only, whereas classes of different levels (at least beginners and intermediate) are scheduled for Latin. Participants must be aged 18 or over. All tuition will be in English. For further information and to enroll, please visit: E-mail:
SALVI announces two summer programs for 2010: Iter Romanum, July 1-8, 2010, Rome, Italy, and Rusticatio, July 18-24, 2010, Charlestown, West Virginia. Iter Romanum is a unique, week-long, full-immersion tour of Rome -- tantum Latine! We will tour Rome's sites -- ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and modern -- read excerpts from Latin literature, discuss what we see, read, and hear, and listen to our distinguished tour guides (mystagogi) as the show us around the fascinating city known as "caput mundi" -- all while spending the week living, performing all of our tasks, and holding all of our conversations in Latin only. Each day will be structured around a visit to an historical site in or around Rome. Possible destination sites (subject to change) include: Roman Forum, Palatine Hill and Circus Maximus, Domus Aurea, Colosseum, St. Peter's Basilica,Vatican necropolis and the tomb of St. Peter, Vatican Museums, Villa Borghese, and Ostia Antica. For more information about Iter Romanum, and application instructions, please visit our website at
Rusticatio is a week-long, full-immersion Latin workshop offering high-energy conversation exercises and readings from Latin literature. In an intimidation-free environment crucial for progress in a second language, participants live together for seven days while they speak, read, write, cook, and relax -- all while communicating entirely in Latin. Through a variety of exchanges, including instructional sessions, a common kitchen, daily shared tasks, down time, and excellent food and wine (which are abundant and included in the price), Rusticatio participants enjoy unparalleled camaraderie while they experience first hand various teaching methods that are directly applicable to secondary and university Latin classrooms. For more information about Rusticatio, and application instructions, please visit our website at
Vergilian Society 2010 Study Tours, For over 55 years, the Vergilian Society has offered study tours to classical lands led by experienced scholars and dynamic lecturers. These study programs are designed to appeal to secondary teachers, college students and interested laypeople as well as college professors seeking firsthand knowledge of archaeology and history. Scholarship support is available for secondary school teachers and graduate students. For Itineraries, Applications and Scholarship information, see
Funding Opportunities/Fellowships
The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to announce the Margo Tytus Summer Residency Program. Tytus Summer Residents, in the fields of philology, history and archaeology will come to Cincinnati for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three during the summer. Applicants must have the Ph.D. in hand at the time of application. Apart from residence in Cincinnati during term, the only obligation of Tytus Summer Residents is to pursue their own research. They will receive free university housing. They will also receive office space and enjoy the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries.
The University of Cincinnati Burnam Classics Library( is one of the world's premier collections in the field of Classical Studies. Comprising 240,000 volumes and other research materials, the library covers all aspects of the Classics: the languages and literatures, history, civilization, art, and archaeology. Of special value for scholars is both the richness of the collection and its accessibility -- almost any avenue of research in the classics can be pursued deeply and broadly under a single roof. The unusually comprehensive core collection, which is maintained by three professional classicist librarians, is augmented by several special collections such as 15,000 nineteenth century German Programmschriften, extensive holdings in Palaeography, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies. At neighboring Hebrew Union College, the Klau Library (, with holdings in excess of 450,000 volumes and other research materials, is rich in Judaica and Near Eastern Studies. The application deadline is February 15, 2010. A description of the Tytus Summer Residency Program and an application form is available online at Questions can be directed to
Important Dates For APA Members
(All deadlines are receiptdeadlines unless otherwise indicated.)
March 12, 2010 Panel Proposals for 2011 Annual Meeting and Applications for Charters for Organizer-Refereed Panels and Affiliated Groups for 2012 Annual Meeting
May 14, 2010 Individual Abstracts for 2010 Annual Meeting
January 6-9, 2011 142nd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
January 5-8, 2012 143rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
October-December 2009
Volume 32, Numbers 5-6
Table of Contents
- Response to Message from the President
- New Newsletter Publication Schedule
- Temporary Publication Schedule for Amphora
- Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings
- June 11, 2009
- September 25-26, 2009
- Vice President Reports (Fall 2009)
- Education
- Outreach
- Professional Matters
- Program
- Publications
- Research
- Report of the Executive Director
- In Memoriam
- Virginia Brown
- Jorgen Mejer
- Deceased Members
- 50-Year Club
- Acknowledgment of Annual Giving and Capital Campaign Gifts
- Supplement to Dissertation Listings
- Announcement
- Awards to Members
- Meetings/Calls for Abstracts
- Summer Programs
- Funding Opportunities/Fellowships
- Important Dates
- Cambridge University Press Advertisement
- Centaur Systems Advertisement
- Capital Campaign News
Response to Message from the President
I would like to thank Josh Ober, Adam Blistein, and the APA for giving me this opportunity to engage in a dialogue with Prof Ober and the classics community about publishing in the field. In a recent presidential column, Prof Ober acknowledged the contributions of Companions and Handbooks in proving overviews of various fields. He expressed reservations, however, that Companions are driven by the agenda of publishers, and worried about the "explosive rise" in the number of Companions having an adverse affect on other genres of scholarly publishing, especially journals.
As a response to this critique, it might be helpful to start with some background and context. Companions are not unique to classics: at Wiley-Blackwell, for example, we have now published around 400 companions and handbooks to subjects ranging from economics, sociology, and psychology, to religion, literature, and classics. 400 might sound like a lot, and we are proud now to have the facility to give scholars and students access to this comprehensive collection through Blackwell Reference Online (, which is the largest academic online reference library in the humanities and social sciences.
But this collection has grown to this size over a span of 16 years, from the publication of Peter Singer's Companion to Ethics in 1993. Over this period, Companions have made up about 10% of our publishing: the vast majority of our output remains textbooks and scholarly books. So perhaps Companions have not so much risen explosively as grown slowly. They may seem to have sprung fully grown on the world in the last few years, but in fact have had a long childhood and adolescence. But this still leaves the question of why have they grown up?
As publishers we can't (as much as we might wish!) dictate to students, scholars, or librarians what to read or buy. We set out to meet the needs of our readers, and the success of the Companions implies that they meet a variety of needs. The fact that we are able to commission these books suggests that scholars want to edit them and write for them; the sales suggest that librarians and individual students and scholars find them useful - in getting up to speed in a particular field, in preparing to teach a class, or in studying for general exams. We hope too that the Companions help to foster creative scholarship by allowing scholars to be inspired by the work of their colleagues in other sub-fields - work that they might not otherwise read or even know about.
In other words, this last generation has seen the rise of a new type of scholarly communication, the multi-authored overview, or Companion, not because publishers have been pushing a particular agenda, but because this new genre gets the job done for a variety of audiences.
Has this been at the expense of the journal article? Certainly not if we measure the health of journals by the number of papers published: across the humanities and social sciences, the number of articles published has risen steadily since 1990.
Of course, journals themselves have undergone rapid change over the past ten years: in an online word, journals are regularly available in more than 3,000 institutions globally, as well as in the developing world at a free or reduced price.
In the online environment, it is possible to measure usage of articles, and in fact the usage of journal articles in the humanities has risen dramatically since the beginnings of Companion and Handbook publishing. A typical humanities journal would have had about 15,000 downloads in 2002; by the end of 2008 this number would have increased to 100,000.
So where is the problem/is there a problem? Perhaps it lies in the visibility of journals in academics' mental map of scholarly publishing in the humanities. It may be that editing or publishing in a Companion has come to increase the visibility of a scholar's work and ability to influence the discourse in a given field more than publishing in a journal.
But this strikes me as an argument not so much for publishing fewer Companions than for increasing the visibility of journals. And in fact at Wiley-Blackwell we work with our journal clients to do precisely this. How we do it varies according to the needs of a journal, but it essentially involves providing marketing and sales support, and working with a journal editorial team to establish a clear identity/brand for the journal, build a profile internationally, and increase services to authors. In our experience, these activities lead to an increase in the quality of papers, prestige, and visibility of a journal.
The online reach enjoyed by journals is only now becoming possible for books published in online form; and what we may see in the next few years is a coming together of what has been traditionally "book" and "journal" content, as reading and research habits change in an online environment. Companions, for example, might become "gateways" to more sophisticated treatments of particular topics in journals and online scholarly monographs.
This vision of a possible future is another reason that we continue to invest in Companion and other reference content. We believe that this reference content may draw students and other beginners to a hub of a variety of resources, and may increase access and usage of more scholarly resources, such as monographs and journals.
I would be happy to receive comments and questions: please send them to
Al Bertrand
Editorial Director, Social Science and Humanities Books, Wiley-Blackwell John Wiley & Sons
New Newsletter Publication Schedule
One of the cost-saving measures the APA introduced in the last year was to require members to request printed copies of the Newsletter. Many members were already reading this publication on the Association's web site, and this seemed to be a logical area in which we could save both printing and postage costs. On the other hand, it has become clear that, if we simply replace a printed document with a pdf file, particularly one as lengthy as a typical Newsletter, we are not taking full advantage of the web site's capabilities. Instead, it would make more sense to post information on the web site as it becomes available, ideally in the new blog that Web Editor, Robin Mitchell-Boyask has set up (, and in other venues, and then periodically compile those postings into a traditional Newsletter. This compilation would serve those members who still prefer to receive a printed version, and it would perform an archival function. In addition, as we move to electronic mechanisms for participation in important APA activities like voting and abstract submission, we have less need for the inserts that have appeared in four of the six regular issues of the Newsletterfor most of the last two decades.
In light of these changes, I have discussed the Newsletter publication schedule with the Board of Directors and at greater length with the divisional vice presidents who, with Robin and myself, make up the committee that oversees the web site and the Newsletter. We agree that it makes good financial sense and will be a better use of my office's time if we reduce the number of printed issues from six to four each year. (This was, in fact, the publication schedule for most of the 1980's.) The next issue of the Newsletter, therefore, will be a Winter 2010 issue and we will produce Spring, Summer, and Fall issues as well.
As I explain in my report elsewhere in this issue, the new web host we implemented in Fall 2009 makes it possible for APA staff members to post updates to the site without making work for Robin. As long as we take full advantage of that new capability, I am optimistic that we can improve the level of communication with members in spite of the reduced publication schedule. As we move in that direction, I welcome members' comments and suggestions.
Adam D. Blistein
Executive Director
Temporary Change in Publication Schedule for Amphora
Over the last three decades the APA has built up an endowment, its General Fund, that generates income to supplement publication revenue; grants and contributions; and membership, annual meeting, and placement fees. This investment income allows the APA, despite its relatively modest size, to offer programs and services that are usually offered only by much larger disciplinary societies like the Modern Language Association, the American Historical Association, and the American Academy of Religion.
To preserve the endowment in the General Fund, the APA's Finance Committee has developed guidelines that limit our withdrawals to 5% of the Fund's average value over the previous three years. The recent declines in financial markets have therefore reduced the amount that it is prudent to withdraw from the General Fund. As a result, when it approved the budget for the current fiscal year (July 2009-June 2010), the APA Board instituted a number of changes in programs that would reduce expenses. These changes included suspension of automatic mailing of the Newsletterand the annual meeting Program to members, a major reduction in the amount of food to be offered at the President's Reception in Anaheim, and a reluctant decision to publish only one issue of Amphora during the current fiscal year.
The next issue of Amphorawill therefore be published in March 2010 rather than the customary December 2009. APA members in good standing for 2010 will receive that issue by mail onlyif they have checked the box on their 2010 dues bills requesting a printed copy. Nonmember subscribers will, of course, receive a printed copy as usual. The issue will also, as usual, appear on the APA web site.
The publication schedule for the subsequent issue of Amphora will be determined in Spring 2010 when the Association develops its budget for the next fiscal year. In the interim, we appreciate the support of both members and nonmembers for this effort to bring the excitement of the Classical world to the widest possible audience.
Adam D. Blistein
Executive Director
Conference Call of the Board of Directors of the
American Philological Association
June 11, 2009
The Board of Directors of the American Philological Association met via conference call on June 11, 2009. Those participating were Profs. Josiah Ober, President, and Roger S. Bagnall, Dr. Adam D. Blistein, Profs. Barbara Weiden Boyd, Ward W. Briggs, Dee L. Clayman, Alain M. Gowing, Judith P. Hallett, Robert A. Kaster, Donald Mastronarde, James M. May, Carole E. Newlands, and James J. O'Donnell, Dr. Lee T. Pearcy, and Prof. Kurt A. Raaflaub. Profs. Cynthia Damon, John Marincola, and S. Georgia Nugent were absent.
Prof. Ober called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The Directors had previously received an agenda for the meeting as well as minutes of their meetings on January 8 and 11, 2009.
Action: The agenda for the meeting was approved.
Action: After the correction of a typographical error in the list of Directors attending the meetings of January 8 and 11, 2009, the minutes of those meetings were approved.
President's Report
Prof. Ober stated that the Association would need to focus on the capital campaign and on making appropriate adjustments to its budget during the current decline in the economy. It was therefore not a time to consider any significant new initiatives, but the APA did need to confront new challenges and opportunities in information technology, some of which might bring costs savings with them.
Executive Director's Report
Dr. Blistein informed the Board of developments in several Association activities since the January meeting. A new location for the Association's offices was still not determined. The Publications and Research Divisions would hold retreats later in the year, with the former funded by the Mellon Foundation, and the latter, the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and Yale University. The Advisory Board to the American Office of l'Année philologique had approved the transfer of that office from the Universityof Cincinnati to Duke Universityduring the second half of the year. A grant from the Packard Humanities Institute was being used at Cincinnati to create citations for a backlog of essay collections.
A planning grant from the Mellon Foundation to explore the possibility of improvements to the online version of l'Année philologique had concluded. The Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique had agreed to bear the expense of modifying the interface itself while the Mellon Foundation had expressed interest in funding work that would permit links from l'Année entries to ancient texts being cited and to the modern works themselves. Prof. Clayman reported that the new interface might be ready by the end of the Summer, and that the site now contained all data from the Database of Classical Bibliography.
Dr. Blistein had been working with staff of the Social Science Research Network to manage online submission of annual meeting abstract and panel proposals, and he was optimistic that this would be in place in time for the publication of the Program Guide for the January 2011 meeting to be published in the Fall. He was also exploring the implementation of online voting for the election to be held this Summer. Finally, he reported on preparations for the annual meeting and the implementation of a new web site design.
Financial Matters
In advance of the call, Directors had received minutes of the Finance Committee's meeting of May 18, 2009, a table showing investment results for the fiscal year that would end on June 30, 2009, a projected financial statement for that fiscal year, and a budget for the next fiscal year. In addition, prior to the conference call, Prof. Briggs had distributed to the Board an e-mail containing recommendations from the Finance Committee to reduce Association expenses during the next fiscal year so that the Association could adhere to its policy of withdrawing only 5% of the average value over the previous three years of the General Fund for operating expenses. Expense reductions would be necessary to meet this goal both because the value of the endowment had decreased, and because other sources of income, particularly annual meeting registrations, placement service fees, and gifts were expected to decline.
In September 2008 and January 2009 the Board had already approved several operational changes that would reduce expenses. These included sending a printed Newsletter to members only on request; reducing the budget for meals at the annual meeting, in large part by eliminating almost all food service from the President's Reception; and eliminating budget provisions for marketing expenses and book subventions. In addition, when Dr. Blistein had prepared a draft budget for the Finance Committee's meeting the previous month, he had assumed that Amphora would be treated like the Newsletter and would be sent to members only on request.
The resulting budget still showed a deficit of $28,000, and the Committee felt it needed to find additional cost savings to reach a balanced budget in case decreases in revenue were even more severe than anticipated. It proposed that the APA achieve additional savings through changes in its publication procedures for TAPA and Amphora and reducing costs for audio-visual services and the reception for first-time members at the annual meeting. The Board discussed these proposals at length.
Action: Effective with the Spring 2010 issue, the Board voted to send printed copies of TAPA to members only on request.
Action: The Board voted to publish only one issue of Amphoraduring the upcoming fiscal year and to send it to members only on request.
Action: The Board asked Dr. Blistein to find ways of cutting the audio-visual budget by $2,500.
Action: The Board agreed not to hold the reception for first-time registrants.
Action: Subject to the incorporation of the above changes, the Board approved the budget for the 2010 fiscal year.
Dr. Blistein reported on the status of annual giving and capital campaign contributions.
Document Retention and "Whistleblower" Policies
In advance of the meeting the Board had received draft policies concerning retention of documents and "whistleblowers" as well as a memorandum from the Association's attorney concerning these documents. The two documents incorporated suggestions made by the Directors at their meeting of January 8, 2009 when they had reviewed earlier versions. The Directors had no objection to any of the specific schedules outlined in the document retention policy but felt that the relationship between the policy and the APA's permanent archives at Columbia University should be clarified.
Action: Dr. Blistein was asked to bring a proposal to the Board in September to establish a Committee on Archives that would establish policy for transferring materials from the Association Office to the archives.
Action: The Board approved the "Whistleblower" policy it had received.
Other Business
Action: The Board approved the creation of a "President's Award" to honor an individual, group, or organization outside of the Classics profession that has made significant contributions to advancing public appreciation and awareness of Classical antiquity. The Board also approved the following procedures for selecting Award winners: Nominations will be open to the profession and the public. Nominations, containing a letter describing the nominee's contributions, along with a brief biography or C.V., will be due in the Executive Director's office no later than June 1 of each year. The selection will be made by the APA's Executive Committee, enhanced for this purpose by the Vice President for Outreach and the Chair of the Development Committee (unless they happen to be members of the Executive Committee), at its summer meeting by conference call. The Committee's recommendation will be presented for decision to the Full APA Board at its September meeting. The Award will be announced and presented at the subsequent Annual Meeting of the APA in January. The Award will consist of an inscribed gift from the Association. During this initial year, Directors could make nominations for consideration by the Board at its September 2009 meeting.
Dr. Blistein reminded Directors that their next meeting would take place in Washington, DC on September 25-26, prior to a capital campaign event at the Center for Hellenic Studies at which Prof. Garry Wills would speak.
Prof. Hallett reported that the leaders of research projects in Europe concerning the classical tradition and gender studies had approached her about collaboration with the APA. She would coordinate any response with the Research Division.
Action: At Prof. Raaflaub's suggestion, the Board asked Prof. Ober to send a letter of greetings to the FIEC Congress to take place in August.
Dr. Pearcy reported that over the next three years the College Board would implement a single Advanced Placement exam covering Vergil and Caesar.
There being no further business, the call was concluded at 6:15 p.m.
Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
American Philological Association
September 25-26, 2009
Washington, DC
The Board of Directors of the American Philological Association met at the Churchill Hotel, Washington, DC, on September 25, 2009. Those present were Profs. Josiah Ober, President, Dr. Adam D. Blistein, Profs. Barbara Weiden Boyd, Ward W. Briggs, Dee L. Clayman, Cynthia Damon, Alain M. Gowing, Judith P. Hallett, Robert A. Kaster, Donald Mastronarde, James M. May, Carole E. Newlands, and James J. O'Donnell, Dr. Lee T. Pearcy, and Prof. Kurt A. Raaflaub. Profs. Roger S. Bagnall, John Marincola, and S. Georgia Nugent were absent.
Prof. Ober called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. He asked the Directors to discuss how APA could help its members to disseminate their work electronically. As an example, he had distributed in advance of the meeting a proposal from the Social Science Research Network to host an electronic conference proceedings journal for another learned society. If the APA increased its activity in electronic publishing, it would both fulfill the current capital campaign's promise to serve as a gateway, and it would offer opportunities for participation in the Association's activities to younger scholars who were usually more accustomed to working in electronic media.
The Board discussed the possibility of a conference proceedings series emanating from the annual meeting as well as other electronic vehicles to communicate both scholarship and Association business. To implement any of these ideas it would be necessary to institute appropriate levels of peer review, recruit volunteers, obtain other necessary resources, and overcome the lack of recognition that electronic publishing continued to receive in promotion and tenure decisions. APA endorsement could make participation in its electronic publications a more valuable addition to a curriculum vitae.
The Board then adjourned for the evening at 9:45 p.m.
The Board resumed its meeting on September 26, 2009. Prof. Ober called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. All Directors present on the previous evening plus Prof. Bagnall were in attendance. In addition, Mr. Carl Hogan, of Briggs, Bunting & Dougherty, the Association's auditors, was present via speakerphone by invitation. The Board had received an agenda for the meeting as well as minutes of its conference call of June 11, 2009.
Action: The Board approved the agenda for the meeting.
Action: After the addition of an acknowledgment of Yale University for its support of a retreat by the Research Division, the Board approved the minutes of its conference call on June 11, 2009.
Financial Matters
Auditors' Report. In April the Directors had received copies of the final report for the 2008 fiscal year and had discussed it briefly during the June conference call. Mr. Hogan now reviewed the document in detail.
He stated that the auditors depend on information submitted by staff, but they had made few adjustments to those figures. Their report was unqualified, indicating that they had reasonable but not absolute assurance that the financial report was accurate. In addition, the Association had made no changes in its accounting policies.
The Association's funds were divided among permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted assets. Unrestricted assets, those available for any Board-approved expenditure, were the best measure of an organization's financial health. These had declined in value by $248,000 during the Fiscal Year. In the previous fiscal year, unrestricted assets had increased in value by almost $150,000. In both years investment income, which had decreased in 2008 and increased in 2007, was a significant component of these assets.
Mr. Hogan pointed out that the Association had received similar amounts of income in its various categories in the 2007 and 2008 fiscal years except that grants and contributions were considerably higher in 2008 even though that figure included some discounts because they were payable over more than a year. Similarly, expense categories were very similar in the two fiscal years except that fund-raising expenses had increased substantially in 2008 because the Association's development director had begun work on the first day of the fiscal year. Supporting services (general administration and membership services as well as fund-raising) now constituted 20% of the Association's budget (an increase from 12%). Mr. Hogan also described the Association's investment activity during the fiscal year as well as its financial liabilities.
Finally, Mr. Hogan reviewed the auditors' professional standards letter which reminded the Board that some of the figures in the report, particularly those allocating certain expenses among various programs, were based on estimates. The letter also stated that the auditors had received good cooperation from staff, had no disagreements with staff concerning the report, and were not aware that staff had consulted with any other auditors. The auditors had not identified any deficiencies in the Association's financial management procedures that they needed to point out to the Board. The speakerphone conversation with Mr. Hogan was then concluded.
Investments. Dr. Blistein had distributed to the Board a summary of the Association's investment activity during the 2009 fiscal year preceded by a covering memorandum describing some changes that had taken place in its holdings during that time. The changes involved moving investments to mutual funds with similar scopes but different managers and taking positions in funds with new scopes. In the latter category were mutual funds investing in high-yield bonds, commodities, and a combination of long and short positions in large cap stocks.
The first half of the 2009 fiscal year had coincided with the worst of the recent declines in financial markets. As a result, over the entire year the Coffin, Pearson, and General Funds had lost about 15% of their value net of additions and withdrawals, and the Research and Teaching Fund, whose investment guidelines were more aggressive, had lost about 20% of its value. On the other hand, the latter fund had received a substantial infusion of cash (over $500,000) during the Fall from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and other donors. The Association's advisors had kept these gifts in a money market fund until they were confident that markets had reached their lowest points. They had begun purchasing equity and bond funds again, first in February 2009 and then in June, with the result that as of June 30, equities represented 64% of the portfolio, very near to the goal of 70%.
In his memorandum Dr. Blistein had provided asset values for all four funds as of September 22 and had pointed out that the Coffin Fund was now again worth more than the original gifts that had established it. Directors expressed concern that the Pearson Fund could no longer support a fellowship that would cover all expenses for a year in a British university. Increases in tuition fees in the U.K.and the weakness of the dollar versus the British pound, as well as the decline in the Fund's value, were responsible for this problem.
Action: The Board asked Dr. Blistein to determine whether the terms of the Pearson gift would permit the Association to award a larger fellowship in alternating years, with eligibility expanded to students in a gap year or their first year of graduate school.
Preliminary Financial Statement for 2009 Fiscal Year and Updated Budget for 2010 Fiscal Year. Dr. Blistein had distributed a document that projected an operating deficit of around $9,000 for the fiscal year. Withdrawals from invested funds were included in this calculation but not either investment income produced by dividends and capital gains or losses in investment values.
The Board had approved a budget for 2010 during its conference call in June. The new version of this document that Dr. Blistein had distributed reflected changes in conditions and expectations but no new expenses. The document reflected two major changes. First, the Association would pay less rent than originally budgeted to the University of Pennsylvaniabecause it had been permitted to remain in Claudia Cohen Hall for another year. In addition, the American Office of l'Année philologique was expected to move from the University of Cincinnati to Duke Universityin January, and this would reduce salary expenses because Duke's charges for administering fringe benefits were lower. As a result, the new budget predicted a surplus of about $12,000 as opposed to a deficit of $11,000 approved in June. Dr. Blistein noted however, that the estimate of registration revenue (based on 2,000 registrants in Anaheim, 500 fewer than in Philadelphia) might still be too high, and that it was unclear whether the APA would be able to claim its next installment of challenge grant matching funds, $80,000 of which was projected to offset fund-raising costs.
Annual Giving. The Directors had received a document showing that in the 2009 fiscal year annual giving contributions had declined by about $6,500 from 2008. The decrease was caused in part by an earlier cutoff in the way responses to the Spring annual giving appeal were treated. About $2,000 in gifts received over the Summer (but using the Spring response form) would be attributed to the next fiscal year. During the Spring 15 members had taken advantage of a new online giving mechanism and had donated a total of $1,230.
Gateway Campaign. Dr. Blistein reported that 387 donors had pledged $1,447,000 and had already given $1,118,000 of that amount. There had been no major gifts for some time, and it would be difficult to meet the next matching funds deadline (Jan. 31). One foundation expected to make a major donation had declined to contribute, but the Campaign Committee had some hopes for a new appeal to Greek foundations and was developing approaches to several other foundations and individuals. It hoped to identify new donors at the fund-raising event at the Center for Hellenic Studies after the Board meeting.
Association Archives
During its June conference call the Board had adopted in principle a draft of a policy concerning retention of Association documents but had asked that the document clarify the relationship between this policy and the APA's permanent archives at the Columbia University. In addition, the Board had asked for a proposal to form a committee to establish policies for the transfer of materials to the archive at Columbia.
Action: The Board approved with some modifications a Document Retention Policy that Dr. Blistein had distributed to them in advance of the September meeting.
Action: The Board approved the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Archives and Records to be appointed by the President with the assistance of Profs. Briggs and Bagnall. It would consist of a recent Past President as chair, the senior Financial Trustee, one member representing each current programmatic division of the Association, and the Executive Director serving as an ex officio member with voice but without vote. The Committee would meet via e-mail and, if necessary, conference calls or at the annual meeting to recommend guidelines and schedules for the transfer of documents from the Association's current office to its permanent archives. Once the Board of Directors approved a report from this Committee, it would dissolve, but any President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, could appoint a new Committee to conduct a review of existing policies. The Board asked the Committee to submit a report to the Board for its meeting in September 2010.
Reports of Vice Presidents
Publications. Prof. O'Donnell described a retreat that the Publications Division would hold in early December to consider the future of the Association's publications program. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation was supporting this meeting. Both of the Association's publishing agreements - with the Johns Hopkins University Press and Oxford University Press - were due to be renewed automatically during the Fall, but the former had already granted an extension of that deadline and the APA was about to ask Oxford for a similar extension. These extensions would give the Association more flexibility if the retreat deliberations suggested a change in the direction of the publishing program. Kathryn Gutzwiller's term as Editor of the Monographs Series was due to expire at the end of the year, but she had agreed to serve for an additional year, again to allow for the possibility of changes in that series emanating from the retreat.
Research. The Directors had received a report from Prof. Bagnall describing a retreat of the Research Division hosted by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World with additional support from Yale University. The participants had identified a number of areas in which the Division might be active, and recommended the establishment of several task forces to consider these projects and recommend which ones the Association should pursue. It would be appropriate for other Association divisions to participate in some of these projects. Directors discussed various points raised in the report, including the validation of digital work as useful scholarship, the Association's proper role in identifying and recommending research resources, the volunteer efforts that would be necessary to fulfill that role, and its position on the ranking of scholarly journals.
Action: The Board authorized the President to work with the Vice President for Research and others as necessary to appoint ad hoctask forces to consider the issues raised during the Research Division's retreat.
Education. Dr. Pearcy reported that the task force that had developed Standards for Latin Teacher Training and Certification would meet in October to review comments received since the publication of an initial draft in January and to develop final language to be approved by the boards of both APA and the American Classical League. He summarized the comments that the task force had received.
After the publication of the College Board's new advanced placement curriculum for Latin, expected in January, the Education Committee would work on developing resources for that curriculum. Former Vice President for Education, Kenneth Kitchell, was representing the APA in a group organized by the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages to develop a reading proficiency test for Latin teachers. Dr. Pearcy had responded to queries asking why the Common Application used by many colleges and universities did not include Classics as a possible major. The ultimate source of the categories on the application turned out to be the National Center for Education Statistics in the U. S. Department of Education, and Dr. Blistein would attempt to identify appropriate staff at that agency for a discussion of the categories.
Outreach. Prof. Hallett reported that during the past year the Outreach Division's collaboration with the Aquila Theater's Page and Stage program had been very successful. Aquilahad just submitted a new application to the National Endowment for the Humanities to enlarge this program. The Division had become an overseas affiliate of the Classical Reception Studies Network which was organizing conferences and developing teaching tools on the classical tradition. Members volunteering in the Outreach Division had expressed interest in contributing to blogs under the APA's name, but it would be necessary to develop appropriate oversight for such activities.
The Committee on Outreach was attempting to expand its Speakers Bureau program to add new talks and to reach areas of the country with little access to Classics scholarship. It had put on two successful sessions on "Black Classics" at the March 2009 meeting of the College Language Association. Prof. Hallett hoped to add more expertise on music and film to the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance and would organize a group to review activities centered on classically-themed music.
Professional Matters. Prof. May reported that the Subcommittee on Professional Ethics was reviewing a number of cases, some of which were very complex, and might require Board action. The Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups was clearing up a backlog of the reports it issued. Prof. May also described the work of the Placement Committee on various problems that had arisen during the year as well as the Classics Advisory Service's efforts to help several departments with outside reviews and responses to possible reductions in staffing.
Action: At the request of Prof. Ober, the Board authorized him to write a letter of support for the continuation of the Classics Department at the University of Tel Aviv.
Program. Prof. Kaster reported that the 2010 meeting would have about the same number of panels as the 2009 meeting, but that the number of sessions from individual abstracts had declined both because of a lower number of submissions and a lower acceptance rate. The Committee was unsure why
the acceptance rate for women was particularly low. In response to what it considered to be a large number of inadequate abstracts, the Committee had decided to organize a workshop at the upcoming meeting on abstract writing.
Action: The Board approved a request from the Program Committee to expand the guidelines for workshops to include discussions of recently published books of broad interest in the field among the possible session topics.
Action: The Board authorized the Committee to end its practice of providing detailed comments on panel proposals that it rejected.
Report of the Executive Director
Association Office. Dr. Blistein was pleased that the Association had been able to remain in its offices in Claudia Cohen Hall for an additional year. In the Spring he would need to take more responsibility for finding new space at the University of Pennsylvaniabut continued to hope that it would be possible to find a location that would not require the Association to pay market rates for rent.
Placement Service. The Placement Service had received notices of 45 jobs so far this year versus 74 at the same time the previous year. On the other hand, three of the jobs posted in the current year were for searches cancelled the previous year.
Membership. In late January Prof. Raaflaub had sent a letter to about 200 nonmembers in Classics departments, and fifteen of them responded to his invitation to join or rejoin the Association. Some - despite their appointments in Classics departments - turned out to be archaeologists or specialists in another area. In some cases his letter served as reminder to people who had simply forgotten to pay 2009 dues.
During the Summer the Association's work-study student sent reminders (mainly by e-mail) to approximately 600 members who had paid for 2008 but not yet for 2009. While Dr. Blistein had not yet analyzed the success of this effort, he could report that the APA had about 20 more paid members now than at the same time last year. The Johns Hopkins University Press had reduced the cost of dues billing this year by sending out e-mail renewal notices for 2010 before rather than simultaneously with paper notices.
Annual Meetings. 2010. With assistance from Local Arrangements Chair Maria Pantelia, the Office was making special efforts to encourage attendance. The meeting hotels had recognized the necessity of additional incentives in the current difficult economy and had agreed to reduce the room rates originally negotiated. The number of sessions was lower than at any other meeting Dr. Blistein had overseen, but the number was not far below last year's when there had been good attendance.
2011. During the Spring Dr. Blistein and Heather Gasda had worked closely with the Social Science Research Network to offer online submission of individual abstracts for the 2010 meeting, but this had not been possible. Because of the progress made at that time, however, Dr. Blistein was confident that both panel and abstract submissions for 2011 could be made online.
Action: The Board authorized the APA Office to require online submissions from all presenters for the 2011 meeting.
2013 and beyond. Dr. Blistein had been unable to persuade AIA staff to continue to use a third-party planner to negotiate hotel contracts. During the next few months the Associations would attempt to negotiate contracts for 2013-2015 that would provide both reasonable hotel room rates and subsidies for the advance planning and on-site help that the third-party planning company currently provided.
ACLS E-Book Project. Dr. Blistein had circulated to the Directors a proposal from the ACLS E-Book program to offer subscriptions to individual members whose institutions were not subscribers. He hoped to obtain similar offers from services such as JSTOR.
New Association Web Site. The work of uploading the current web site to the new design was nearly complete. Dr. Blistein hoped that the new site would be in use in a few weeks.
Election. Dr. Blistein reported on the progress of the Association's first election to offer online balloting. As of September 24, 1,083 members had voted out of a total of 2,813, and the deadline for voting was still almost a week away. The participation was more than double the highest number (491) in his experience. Other ACLS societies had reported 20% or 30% increases when they first offered electronic balloting, but he could not recall anyone reporting 100% increases. Prof. Bagnall thought that participation had been in the 700 to 800 range when he was Secretary-Treasurer.
Almost 100 members had used the mechanism at the end of the ballot to offer comments, all of which were favorable. The suggestion offered most frequently was to make biographical sketches HTML instead of PDF files, and Dr. Blistein said that this change would take place next year.
All eligible members had received their notice of the election via first class mail as well as e-mail, and over 100 had submitted the enclosed paper ballot rather than voting online. (Almost all of these had been entered into the ballot data base by the APA's work-study student). Dr. Blistein asked the Board to consider whether to mail a paper ballot to all members again next year.
Action: The Board asked Dr. Blistein to confer with the Association's attorney to determine whether government regulation made it necessary to mail paper ballots to all members for regular elections or the amendment of By-Laws.
Association Awards
Dr. Blistein reported the decision of the 2009 Goodwin Award Committee to the Directors.
Action: The Directors accepted the report of the Outreach Prize Committee to give the 2009 award to Mary-Kay Gamel for her work on ancient drama.
Dr. Blistein had gathered information (including prize amounts) on awards offered by other learned societies in the humanities.
Action: The Board asked Prof. Ober to organize an ad hoc Committee to review all the Association's awards.
Other Business
Dr. Blistein stated that the next Board meetings would take place at the annual meeting in Anaheim, on January 6, 2010, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. and on January 9, 2010, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Education. During the first eight months of 2009 the Education Division devoted the majority of its time and effort to the final phase of developing Standards for Classical Teaching and Teacher Training. In addition, the Division saw to it that the APA was represented at the early stages of an important project to measure teachers' proficiency in Latin, and it contributed to the continuing national discussion about Advanced Placement Latin and the College Board.
Standards for Latin Teacher Training and Certification: In September, 2008, the APA Board of Directors approved a draft of Standards for Latin Teacher Training and Certification, the work of a joint task force created by the APA and the American Classical League in 2007. Since then the draft standards have been submitted to members of our profession for comment and review. The Standardsfigured in discussions on LatinTeach and other on-line discussion groups and in presentations at regional meetings. An electronic survey available through the APA and ACL websites allowed members of both organizations to register their opinions and to comment on each element of the Standards; in addition, ACL President Sherwin Little gave a presentation on the Standards at the ACL Institute in June, 2009. Both President Little and I, as co-chairs of the Joint Task Force, have received many comments on the standards and suggestions for refining them.
The Joint Task Force will hold its final meeting at Bryn Mawr College on October 16 and 17. At that time we will review the feedback that we have received on the draft Standards, prepare a final version, and develop final plans for publication and dissemination of them.
ACL/ACTFL Latin Reading Proficiency Test: As mentioned in my January, 2008, report to the Board, ACL and the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages have been working together to develop a reading proficiency test for Latin. This test will be an important instrument as state boards of education and other certifying bodies specify levels of proficiency for licensed or highly qualified teachers. In May, ACL and ACTFL invited the APA to appoint a member of the committee that will select passages for the test and develop scoring rubrics. Prof. Kenneth Kitchell (University of Massachusetts), a former APA Vice-President for Education, agreed to serve and attended a meeting of the committee in White Plains, NY, on June 15-17. He was one of three classicists on the committee.
Prof. Kitchell reports that despite some initial difficulties in communicating the special nature of Latin texts to the specialists in modern language instruction and assessment who made up most of the committee, the work went well. He feels that "standards based proficiency tests are in the future" for Latin teachers, and that it is important that the APA be involved in developing them. On behalf of the APA, I thank Prof. Kitchell for his willingness to undertake this important service.
Advanced Placement Latin: Vigorous protests by the APA and other classical organizations and repeated but fruitless attempts by our profession to engage responsible officials of the College Board in meaningful dialogue have had no effect on the CB's decision, announced on April 4, 2008, to have only one AP Latin exam. The AP Latin Development Committee has announced that the one remaining exam will be based on Caesar and Vergil, although the exact passages of each author to be included in the syllabus have yet to be determined. As I reported in January, the Education Committee and the JCCAE believe that it is now important to move forward by working with ACL and other organizations to support Latin teachers as they prepare to implement the new syllabus. To this end the Education Division and the College Board will sponsor a workshop on the new AP Latin exam at the annual meeting in Anaheim.
Other matters: Members of this Board may be interested to know that the Teagle Foundation has released a white paper on "The Classics Major and Liberal Education," prepared by the Center for Hellenic Studies. The paper may be found at
Last year a member of the Association brought it to my attention that the on-line version of the Common Application used by many colleges and universities does not include "Classics" in the list of fields of study to be indicated by interested applicants. The Executive Director of the Common Application informs me that the Common Application gets its list of "academic categories" from the College Board, which in turn gets them from an agency of the Federal government, the National Center for Education Statistics. He adds that member institutions can use their supplements to the Common Application to ask about specific majors. I encourage members of the APA at institutions that have a Classics major and use the Common Application to make sure that the supplement to their application includes an option for prospective Classics majors.
Respectfully submitted,
Lee T. Pearcy
September 1, 2009
Outreach. Over the past year, my second year as Vice-President for Outreach, our division has continued to strengthen this important area of APA professional endeavor, owing to the impressive efforts by a number of individuals working on the "operations" formally housed under our division. The major item in the Outreach portfolio is the APA publication Amphora: Davina McClain, of Louisiana Scholars' College at Northwestern State University, continues to serve as its editor, and Diane Johnson, of Western Washington University, as its assistant editor. Outreach activities also include projects undertaken by the three committees under the purview of Outreach: the Outreach Committee itself, the Committee on the Classical Tradition (COCT), and the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance (CAMP), to be described in fuller detail below.
Some additional developments warrant mention as well. At this time last year it was my happy duty to report that the National Endowment for the Humanities, in connection with the America's Historical and Cultural Organization Implementation, had awarded a grant of $292,585 to Aquila Theatre, Company-in-Residence at the Center for Ancient Studies, New York University, for 'Page and Stage: Theatre, Tradition, and Culture in America". These funds were used to implement a series of library-based reading and performance discussion programs led by Program Scholars in seven states as well as to create a website about how the themes of classical Greek and Roman literature continue to resonate today across a variety of racial and ethnic subcultures.
Working with the Project Director Peter Meineck, Artistic Director of Aquila and a faculty member at NYU, have been Martin Gomez, President of the Urban Libraries Council; Jay Kaplan, Director of Programs and Exhibitions at the Brooklyn Public Library; Matthew Santirocco, Dean of the College of Arts and Science and Director of the Center for Ancient Studies at NYU; myself in my capacity as APA Vice-President for Outreach; and in particular the past and present chairs of CAMP: Mary-Kay Gamel, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Nancy Rabinowitz, of Hamilton College. Together with Kathryn Bosher of Northwestern University, a member of CAMP, they helped to identify and select, through an open call for self-nomination and after a lengthy application process, the 2009 Program Scholars.
Those chosen, a diverse group of classicists and theater specialists, ranged from graduate students to senior eminences in our field. They are Rosa Andujar, Princeton University; Joy Connolly, New York University; CAMP committee member Dorota Dutsch, University of California, Santa Barbara; Anthony Edwards, University of California, San Diego; Angus Fletcher, University of Southern California; Kathy Gaca, Vanderbilt University; Pamela Gordon, University of Kansas; Mike Lippman, now of the University of Arizona; Stanley Lombardo, University of Kansas; Peter Meineck; Kenneth Morrell, Rhodes College; Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, now of Berea College; Vassiliki (Lily) Panoussi, College of William and Mary; Melinda Powers, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Laura Slatkin, New York University. Lillian Doherty, University of Maryland, College Park, worked on the Program as well, by preparing materials about the Homeric texts performed.
At the January APA meeting in Philadelphia, Peter Meineck led a roundtable discussion, open to all APA attendees, to publicize the project; Gamel and Meineck also held an organizational meeting for the Program Scholars, working with them in a rigorous training process. In addition to celebrating the value of ancient Mediterranean drama, this project helped to raise public awareness of the APA itself, and garnered extensive publicity in the various performance locales.