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Morris Russell and Josephine Chidsey Williams Assistant Professor in Roman Architecture

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Position Description: Tenure-track Assistant Professor. Morris Russell and Josephine Chidsey Williams Assistant Professor. The Department of History of Art seeks an exciting and innovative scholar-teacher with wide-ranging interests and field work in Roman architecture and urbanism who will complement existing departmental strengths, and make broad use of the region’s rich cultural resources. Teaching load is 2 courses per semester, including upper-level lectures and seminars in specialty, plus participation in survey courses as well as first-year and methods seminars.

Full-Time Faculty Position in Ancient Near Eastern/Classical Art History

Position Rank
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

About Fashion Institute of Technology:

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), an internationally renowned college of art and design and business and technology, of the State University of New York, invites nominations and applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in the History of Art Department, School of Liberal Arts.

Assistant /Associate Professor of Classics

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Advanced Assistant or early Associate Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Classics Department at Hamilton College invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of advanced Assistant Professor or early Associate Professor to begin on July 1, 2018.

Lecturer in Classics (Part-time)

Position Rank
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, up to and including 12 months
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting
The Department of Classics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, invites applications for a one-year, generalist part-time lecturer position for the 2017-2018 academic year. Responsibilities include teaching 5 small undergraduate lecture courses.

Visiting Lecturer

Position Rank
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, up to and including 12 months
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Ancient Studies Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County invites applications for the position of Visiting Lecturer for the fall semester 2017. A Ph.D. in a discipline related to the ancient world is preferred by the time of appointment; candidates who are ABD will also be considered. A commitment to inclusive excellence is required.

Assistant Professor

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of Classical Studies at the College of William and Mary seeks applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Greek Language and Literature. We seek a broadly trained philologist who can provide evidence of outstanding potential in both research and teaching.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Position Rank
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Princeton University Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities and Social Sciences 2018-2021

Application deadline: September 15, 2017

Professor in Charge (3 positions)

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Professor in Charge
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, up to and including 12 months
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, Rome, Italy

3 POSITIONS: Professor-in-Charge, one-year appointment each for AY 2019-2020, AY 2020-2021, and AY 2021-2022. August through May. Candidates must have good knowledge of Ancient Rome and Greek and Roman Italy, be interested in teaching undergraduates, and be willing to lead a team-taught course combining archaeology, history, topography, literature and epigraphy. Ability to teach either intermediate or advanced-level Greek or intermediate or advanced-level Latin desirable.