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New Ancient Music for Aristophanes and Euripides: A Special Event at the 2023 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

New Ancient Music for Aristophanes and Euripides


The Call of Kinnaru

John Franklin (lyre)

Julia Irons (voice)

Rachel Fickes (aulos, lyre)

with artwork by Glynnis Fawkes

on Saturday, January 7, 7.30pm CST (after the SCS Plenary Session)

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CFP: Indigeneity and the Greco-Roman World: Modern and Ancient Responses

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Indigeneity and the Greco-Roman World: Modern and Ancient Responses

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In Memoriam: Ross Thomas

Posted in In Memoriam.

photograp of Ross Iain Thomas

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In Memoriam: Peter Parsons

Posted in In Memoriam.

Colleagues will be deeply saddened to learn of the death of Peter Parsons in hospital early in the morning of Wednesday, November 16, 2022. He was 86. Although physically weak and more or less housebound for some years, he remained a model to many younger friends and colleagues for his dedication to scholarship.

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Panel on Pedagogical Effectivenes for Graduate Students: February 15, 2023

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Preparing Graduate Students in Classical Studies for Pedagogical Effectiveness

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CFP: Seventeenth International Conference of the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Seventeenth International Conference of
the Taiwan Association of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance
Studies (TACMRS)

20-21 October 2023
Chinese Culture University
Taipei, Taiwan
Call for Papers

Harmony and Chaos: The Dialectics of Order and Disorder

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CFP: Ancient Drama, Modern Media: Celtic Conference in Classics (Coimbra, July 11–14, 2023)

Posted in Calls for Papers.

CFP: Ancient Drama, Modern Media
14th Celtic Conference in Classics
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
11–14 July, 2023

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CFP: Diversity of Relations from Antiquity to Modernity. IV

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Department of Spanish Studies and the Department of Classical Philology of the University in Lodz would like to invite you to the fourth interdisciplinary academic conference
Rome and Iberia.
Diversity of Relations from Antiquity to Modernity. IV
April 20-21, 2023

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Networking Archaeological Data and Communities (NADAC)

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

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Classics and Race Seminar in New Orleans: Pre-Registration Announcement

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

This seminar aims to engage attendees in a broad discussion about race in the study of the ancient Mediterranean world. The organizers and speakers, a mixture of established and early career scholars, form part of the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Classics and Race. We show how race and related concepts (e.g.

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