SCS Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants
This spring, SCS has awarded over $100,000 to classicists around the country to fund education, summer programs, year-long fellowships, and outreach projects. Please congratulate our winners! We are grateful to all our funders from the NEH to individuals who have contributed to our endowment funds and annual giving campaign and made these awards possible.
Undergraduate Minority Scholarships in Classics and Classical Archaeology
- Pria Jackson (to participate in the Tell Keisan excavation project)
- Varun Mandi (to support a summer research project on the depictions of non-Greeks in Ancient Athens with a focus on red-figure pottery)
- Daisy Sicairos (to participate in the Gabii Project in Italy)
Pearson Fellowship
Lauren Nguyen (to support a M.St. program at the University of Oxford)
TLL Fellowship (funded by the NEH)
Charles Kuper (awarded second fellowship year)
Coffin Fellowship
Christina Alvarez (to support a Bosque School trip to the Antonine Wall in Scotland)
Zeph Stewart Awards for Teacher Training
- Ian Hochberg (St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School)
- Lauren Malloy (Freehold Township High School)
Pedagogy Awards
- Ed DeHoratius (to support participation in the 2019 ACL Summer Institute)
- Rebecca Kahane (to support participation in the 2019 ACL Summer Institute)
- Robert Holschuh Simmons (to support participation in programs on active Latin and ancient Greek)
- Joseph Stern (to support participation in summer SALVI active Latin events)
Classics Everywhere Awards for Outreach Projects Across the US and Beyond
Susan P. Bachelder (Housatonic Art Valley League, Massachusetts)
- After the Antique: Mithras Now
Donna Clevinger (Mississippi State University, Mississippi)
- Greeking It Up with the Romans: Staging Plautus’ The Braggart Solider
Carly Maris (California)
- Voices of Ancient Palmyra
Peter J. Miller (University of Winnipeg, Canada)
- New Directions in Classics
Lauren Rogers (North Carolina)
- Classical Drama LIVE!
Stephen Scully (Boston University, Massachusetts)
- Martha Graham’s Dance Interpretations of Ancient Greek Heroines
Diane Arnson Svarlien (Kentucky)
- Reading Classics books to kids at low income elementary schools
Sarah Wear (Steubenville University, Ohio)
- Ancients in the Parks!: Roman Engineering
Nebojsa Todorovic and S. Zelda Roland (Yale Prison Education Initiative, Connecticut)
- Introductory Latin in Prisons: Summer 2019
More April 2019 Newsletter Content
Read some responses to the recent anonymous letter oulining graduate student concerns.
Peruse the data received from our Annual Meeting Survey.
Photo Credits for April 2019 Newsletter