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Graduate Programs in Latin Education at Hunter College (Tuition fellowships available!)

The Classics Program at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY), advertises its graduate programs in Latin education. These programs combine courses and mentoring in the vibrant environs of New York City. They aim to foster the ability to make Latin compelling to a diverse population of middle and high school students. Both programs lead to certification in New York State. Applications are accepted in both the Fall and the Spring. The deadline for applications to start in Fall 2024 is March 15th, 2024, but consideration may be made for later applications.

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Departmental Member Spotlight

The Classics Department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers BA, MA, and PhD programs in Greek, Latin, Classical Civilization, and Classical Philology, an MA in the Teaching of Latin, and an undergraduate minor in Modern Greek Studies. All of our graduate students are fully funded, and additional fellowships are available to support research-related travel.