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Call For Chapters: The Neglected Province: Recentering Cisalpine Gaul in its Wider Mediterranean Context

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Call For Chapters: The Neglected Province: Recentering Cisalpine Gaul in its Wider Mediterrane

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Classics Open House

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

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CFP: 116th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of New England

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The 116th annual meeting of the Classical Association of New England will take place March 17-18, 2023, at St. Sebastian’s School, just outside Boston in Needham, Massachusetts. Proposals for papers, panels, and workshops are now being accepted. We welcome submissions from all interested in the ancient Mediterranean world, its reception, and its pedagogy.

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CFP: Symposium Cumanum 2023

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Symposium Cumanum 2023

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Board Statement on the Annual Meeting

Posted in Public Statements.

Over the summer, the SCS Board of Directors has had several discussions about the 2023 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. These deliberations echoed all the concerns that the Board has heard from members via two annual meeting surveys, email correspondence, and social media. We realize many will opt to participate virtually because of financial constraints, health concerns, and potential travel disruptions. We further share the outrage of many members about the assaults on reproductive justice, and racial and gender equity, in Louisiana and other states.

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CFP: Teaching Antiquity Symposium

Posted in Calls for Papers.

April 15

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CFP: Philomathes: An Online Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Classics program at Austin Peay State University is pleased to invite submissions for the seventh volume of Philomathes: An Online Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics.

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CFP: Fonte Aretusa Πηγὴ Ἀρέθουσα

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Fonte Aretusa Πηγὴ Ἀρέθουσα
Eighth Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy

“Sōma kai Psychē —Mind and body”
Exedra Mediterranean Center
Syracuse, Sicily, May 31 - June 3

With a pre-conference Seminar on Hippocrates, May 30 and a post-conference tour to Agrigento and the Temple of Asclepius, June 4-5

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Baylor Conference on Classics and Classical Education in the Black Community

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Americans of all races have found within the classical tradition calls to freedom, justice, and other high ideals. Today, even as some question the role of the Classics, we also see a renaissance of classical education. The voices of Black Americans are crucial to ensuring that this renewed educational foundation is equitable and enduring. Classical scholars and advocates of classical education will discuss the engagement of Black Americans with the classical tradition and their vision for its future—a conversation vital to education at all levels.

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Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Jointly organized by the Department of Classical Studies at William & Mary and the Department of Classics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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