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Summer Research and Study Opportunities at Harvard

Posted in Summer Programs.

The Department of the Classics at Harvard announces the following opportunities and initiatives designed to advance our community’s goals of diversity and inclusion:

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CFP: TAPA - Race and Racism: Beyond the Spectacular - Final Reminder

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Final Reminder: Revised 9/23/21 with updated submission deadline of Friday, February 18, 2022.

As previously announced, Patrice Rankine and Sasha-Mae Eccleston will serve as guest editors of a future issue of TAPA with the theme of race, racism, and Classics (issue 153:1, to appear April 2023). Their detailed call for papers, along with submission instructions, follows.

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ACLS K-12 Career Webinar

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Please join us on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 4:00-5:30pm EST, for a career webinar for PhDs and graduate students on K-12 teaching (registration required

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Coffin Fellowship Deadline Extended!

Posted in SCS Announcements.

In 2022 the Society for Classical Studies (SCS) will again award the David D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for study and travel in classical lands.

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Digital Ancient Rome: NEH Summer Seminar for K-12 Educators

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Digital Ancient Rome

An NEH Summer Seminar for K-12 educators

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2021 SCS Award for Excellence in Teaching Classics at the College and University Level: Award Citations

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.

Congratulations to our 2021 award winners again! You can view the full award citations by clicking on the links below:

Deborah Beck

Richard Ellis

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2021 SCS Award for Excellence in Teaching Classics at the K-12 Level: Award Citations

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.

Congratulations again to our 2021 winners! You can read the full award citations for each prize winner by clicking on the names below:

Jessie Craft

Mathew Olkovikas

Margaret Somerville

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Ancient Leadership Series for SAGE Business Cases

Posted in Calls for Papers.

CFS: Ancient Leadership Series for SAGE Business Cases

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Classical Association of Canada: CFP Deadline Extended!

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Classical Association of Canada has extended its call for papers for its annual conference until February 7, 2022.

You can read more about the conference at this link:

The full CFP can be downloaded here: Call for Papers

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CFP: Numismatics Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America

Posted in Calls for Papers.

2023 NumIG CFP

Call for Papers

“Ancient Coins and Portraiture”

Organized by the Numismatics Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America

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