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2022 Career Networking Event

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Every year at the annual meeting we hold the Career Networking event, a meeting that gives academics access to former classicists, historians, and archeologists who have made career shifts into new fields. They speak candidly about their transition, and are there to offer advice to anyone looking to change career paths. This year we have more networkers than in any year previous, with a broad range of fields and experiences represented.

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2022 Annual Meeting Goes Virtual

Posted in SCS Announcements.

The AIA and SCS have made the difficult decision to switch our upcoming 2022 Annual Meeting to a virtual only event. We had high hopes to once again have an in-person component to our meeting, but the rapid rise in Covid cases due to the Delta and Omicron variants have made that impossible to do safely. While we are eager to see everyone in-person again, the overall health and safety of our attendees, staff, and hotel and meeting personnel take precedence.

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SCS Teaching Award Winners for 2021

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.

SCS is pleased to announce the following winners of the 2021 excellence in teaching awards. Please join us in congratulating the winners!

Excellence in Teaching at the K-12 Level

Jessie Craft (Reagan High School, WSFCS school district)

Mathew Olkovikas (Pinkerton Academy)

Margaret Somerville (Friends' Central School)

Excellence in Teaching at the College and University Level

Deborah Beck (University of Texas at Austin)

Richard Ellis (University of California, Los Angeles)

Wilfred Major (Louisiana State University)

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CFP: Exemplary Representation(s) of the Past

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Call for Papers

Exemplary Representation(s) of the Past:

New Readings of Valerius Maximus’ Facta et dicta memorabilia

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Statement of the SCS Executive Committee

Posted in Public Statements.

Since issues pertaining to social media continue to arise, the Society for Classical Studies wishes as a supplement to its earlier statement to caution its members and the members of its various affiliated organizations that they should take great care before making allegations on matters of fact about members of the scholarly community or repeating such assertions in their own media posts. Strong criticism is protected by academic freedom, but falsehood is not.

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ASCSA Summer Seminars 2022

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce its summer seminars for 2022:

Thanatopsis: Greek Funerary Customs Through the Ages (June 6-24, 2022), led by Professor Daniel B. Levine


The Northern Aegean: Macedon and Thrace (June 30 - July 18, 2022), led by Professors Amalia Avramidou and Denise Demetriou

For more details see

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Vergilian Society Tours and Workshops

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Travel and see ancient sites in the Mediterranean and Europe in 2022!

The Vergilian Society is offering exciting tours of ancient sites in Sicily, Naples, Malta, Portugal and Romania.

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25th Anniversary of the Basel Commentary on Homer's Iliad

Posted in Classics in the News.

Basler Homer-Kommentar [zur Ilias] (BK) / Homer’s Iliad. The Basel Commentary (BKE)

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CFP: Multi-Sensory Experience of Mystery Cults

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Multi-Sensory Experience of Mystery Cults

in the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean:

Making Sense of the Emotions of the Ancient Worshippers

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Online Panel: Classics in Africa: The Ways Forward

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

The panel seeks to bring together academics and non-academics to brainstorm ways in which we can effect positive changes to the field of Classics given its negative past, public perception of the field, and the various institutional policies that hamper its effective teaching and study in sub-Saharan Africa. What has been done so far? What critical challenges persist? And what are the ways forward?

Date: Monday, December 13, 2021

Time: 2pm-4pm GMT

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