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Cleveland Archaeological Society Field School Scholarship

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.


CAS is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for our new summer archaeological field school scholarship program. Applications are due no later than April 1, 2023.

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University of Virginia Latin Summer Language Institute

Posted in Summer Programs.

The 2023 University of Virginia Summer Language Institute's Latin program will be held in person this summer in Charlottesville, VA from June 17th-August 11th!

-The program is intensive and immersive, covering the first two years of Latin language study in eight weeks (Beginning through Intermediate, or 1010, 1020, 2010 and 2020 at UVA)

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CFP: International Student Conference “Contemporaneity of Antiquity”

Posted in Calls for Papers.

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Call for Applications – Notre Dame History of Philosophy Forum

Posted in Calls for Papers.


The History of Philosophy Forum at the University of Notre Dame invites applications to our 2023-2024 Small Grants Program, supporting international scholars with research projects in the history of philosophy that could benefit from a stay at the University of Notre Dame. We especially encourage applications relating to the theme of our current Forum project, “Modeling the Mind in the History of Philosophy,” but welcome all applications in the history of philosophy (broadly construed).

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The Suppliants Project: UC San Diego

Posted in Performances.

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Women Latinists 2023, Summer Course in Florence

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Women Latinists 2023, Summer Course in Florence

We are delighted to share that for the second summer running, Forte Academy is offering an in-person course in Florence on Women Latinists (17 - 26 July 2023). This course is open to all, 18 years old and above, with intermediate-advanced Latin reading skills.

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Identity Play: Constructing The Self in the Ancient Mediterranean

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Constructing The Self in the Ancient Mediterranean
The graduate students of the Department of Classics at the CUNY Graduate Center are happy to share the call for papers for our 15th annual Graduate Student Conference (Spring 2023).

The conference will be held via Zoom on Friday, April 28, 2023.

This year’s Keynote Speaker is Prof. Cinzia Arruzza (The New School, NYC).

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IPT workshop on Platonic Ethics by Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides (Macquarie University)

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

The Cogs of the Ideal City
A New Reading of Civic Ethics in the Platonic Corpus

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Second Call for Papers: 34th Biennial Conference of the Classical Association of South Africa

Posted in Calls for Papers.

34th Biennial Conference of the Classical Association of South Africa

Order and Chaos
22 - 25 November 2023
University of Cape Town


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Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities: February 15 deadline

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.

The next deadline for the Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities grant program is February 15, 2023. You can apply for up to $2,000 in funding for public engagement projects.

Read more about the initiative on this page.

Apply using the online application form.

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