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November Annual Meeting Update: Volunteers Needed!

This month, AIA and SCS staff made the final site visit to the Hilton Union Square. We are delighted to report that we conducted a test of AV equipment and Zoom for a hybrid session and everything worked perfectly! We are excited for our first ever hybrid meeting.

November Annual Meeting Update: Volunteers Needed!

This month, AIA and SCS staff made their final site visit to the Hilton Union Square. We are delighted to report that we conducted a test of AV equipment and Zoom for a hybrid session and that everything worked perfectly! We are excited for our first ever hybrid meeting.

SCS Newsletter - October 2021 (Annual Meeting)

Registration is Open

Registration for the 2022 hybrid meeting is now open. We apologize that it has taken longer than usual to make our registration site available. The hybrid meeting is more complex than the regular in person or a fully virtual conference, and it has taken time to work through a number of issues with our registration vendor, the virtual event platform OpenWater, and the annual meeting hotel.

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Harassment Policy


Privacy Policies

2022 Hybrid Annual Meeting

Please see the following privacy policies that pertain to data collection for annual meeting attendees:

Disability Policy

As organizers of the AIA/SCS Joint Annual Meeting we acknowledge our ethical responsibility to provide reasonable accommodation, and to cultivate an atmosphere of inclusivity for our members and attendees with disabilities at the Annual Meeting. This responsibility extends to both remote and in-person attendees.

Draft Listing of SCS sessions: 2022 meeting

The following is a draft of SCS paper sessions, panels, and workshops and events at the 2022 meeting. Please note that all times listed are PST.

All events and sessions will be fully virtual. We are currently updating this page to take account of the new fully virtual format. Please check back for updates.

Wednesday January 5 (meetings and receptions only)

Thursday, January 6 (First-Third Session blocks)

Friday, January 7 (Fourth-Sixth Session blocks)