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Links for the abstracts for the annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following apparent anomalies: Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

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Session/Paper Number Session/Panel Title Title Name Annual Meeting
25.3 Ovid II Weaving an Archive: Ovid Metamorphoses VI and Rogue Archives of Power Jermaine R.G. Bryant (Princeton University) 154
25.4 Ovid II Writing from the margins: death and Dionysiac renewal in Tristia 5.3 Cynthia Liu (University of Oxford) 154
26.1 The Power of Objects Rock beats plants: Magnetic magic in the Orphic Lithika Katharine S Stevens (Rutgers University) 154
26.2 The Power of Objects Textiles at the Interfaces of the Temple: Fillets and the Tectonics of Cult Mary Caroline Danisi (Cornell University) 154
26.3 The Power of Objects “I am the cup of Nestor, good to drink from…but I was not necessarily used in a symposium” Christopher Ell (Brown University) 154
26.4 The Power of Objects The Materiality of Feasting in the Age of Alexander Rachel Kousser (City University of New York) 154
26.5 The Power of Objects Where Have All the Heroes Gone?: Cenotaphs and Remains’ Agency in Ancient Greek Hero Cult Itamar Levin (Brown University) 154
26.6 The Power of Objects The Agency of Plants in Pliny’s Natural History Molly Schaub (University of Pennsylvania) 154
27.1 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco Cicero on the End of Cato the Elder’s Life Eva Carrara (Florida State University) 154
27.2 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco Four Forms of Philosophic Esotericism in Cicero's De natura deorum Leo Trotz-Liboff (Duke University) 154
27.3 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco Digging in the Dirt (?) Seneca, Columella, and the Value of Res Rustica Mason Wheelock-Johnson (University of Wisconsin - Madison) 154
27.4 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco The Limits of Poetry: genre in Seneca’s Natural Questions 3 Fiona Sappenfield (Brown University) 154
27.5 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco Seneca as the Mirror: Impersonation of the Addressee in the Consolationes Tiffany Nguyen (University of Pennsylvania) 154
27.6 Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco Direptio and Renovatio: Novidio Fracco’s Consolatio ad Romam and Poeticizing the Sack of Rome Evan Brubaker (University of Virginia) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Digital Periegesis Elton Barker (Open University / Pelagios) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Investigating Myth in Iliad Scholia: New Computational Approaches Mary Rose Kaczmarek (College of the Holy Cross) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces All About the Ancient World Emily Prosch (University of Missouri-Columbia) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Ugarit: A translation alignment editor for historical languages Chiara Palladino (Furman University), David J. Wright (Furman University) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Ut silicis venis abstrusum excdueret ignem: A pipeline of open access tools to create student editions of Latin from scanned pdfs Hugh McElroy (Independent Scholar) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces A Complex Cultivated Pottery Trade: Social Network Analysis of the Marks of Trade on Greek Pottery Cole M. Smith (University of Arizona) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Yorescape: A New Resource For Teaching Students About The Ancient World Courtney Morano (Flyover Zone and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA)) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Streamlining Historical-Language Text Processing with CLTK Readers Patrick J. Burns (Harvard University) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Classical Allusions: a Tool for High School and Undergraduate Students Rupert Chen (The Harker School) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces Blast from the Casts Kearstin Jacobson (University of Texas at Austin) 154
28.0 Ancient MakerSpaces An Early Saivite Pigramage Landscape: The Persistence of Pampa and Bhairava in the Hemakuta Hill Sacred Space 800-1325 CE Candis Haak (SUNY Oswego) 154
29.1 Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions Bridging Divides in Preparing Future Latin Teachers Ariana Traill (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 154
29.2 Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions Building a Foundation for the Future of Classics: Outreach and Recruitment through Classical STEM and Mythology Nathalie Roy (Glasgow Middle School) 154
29.3 Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions The Case for Adding Comprehensible Input and Novella Training to Latin Teacher Preparation Christopher Chan (Henry James Memorial School) 154
29.4 Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions Preparing Today’s Latin Teachers: Observations from the Field James Stark (Collinsville High School) 154
29.5 Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation: Ideas and Suggestions Communicative Latin: Not All or Nothing Peter Barrios-Lech (University of Massachusetts Boston) 154
30.1 Hellenistic Epigram in New Contexts Epigram Beyond Alexandria: Samus of Macedon and Philip V Thomas J. Nelson (University of Oxford) 154
30.2 Hellenistic Epigram in New Contexts Poetic Voices on Stone: Signatures of Poets in Dedicatory Epigrams Flavia Licciardello (University of Bologna) 154
30.3 Hellenistic Epigram in New Contexts Planudean Margins and Book 7 of the Palatine Anthology Michael A. Tueller (Arizona State University) 154
30.4 Hellenistic Epigram in New Contexts Watch and Think: Mind-reading in Greek Epigram Taylor S. Coughlan (University of Pittsburgh) 154
30.5 Hellenistic Epigram in New Contexts Object, Matter, and Medium in Hellenistic Epigram Verity J. Platt (Cornell University) 154
31.1 Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics On the Latin Separative sē̆(-) Hana Aghababian (Cornell University) 154
31.2 Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics A Sexual Taboo in Proto-Indo-European “Left” and a New Stem in Greek and Latin Domenico Muscianisi (University of Parma) 154
31.3 Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics Etymology of χρώς ‘surface, skin, color’ Andrew Merritt (Cornell University) 154
31.4 Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics Remarks on Myc. ra-wa-ke-ta and Dor. λᾱγέτᾱς Chengzhi Zhang (University of California, Los Angeles) 154
31.5 Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics The Indirect-Reflexive Function of the Middle Voice from Homer to Attic Nadav Asraf (Harvard University) 154
32.2 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition Grafting and Displacement in Vergil’s Eclogues Katherine Dennis (Princeton University) 154
32.3 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition Two Volcanoes and the Climate of Vergil’s Green Poetry William Freeman (University of Cambridgeq) 154
32.4 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition Agricultural Resilience and Climate Data in the Georgics Donald McCarthy (University of Toronto) 154
32.5 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition Fierce Groves for Doubtful Times Rachael Cullick (Oklahoma State University) 154
32.6 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition et in Arcadia aliquis: Arcadia in the Pseudo-Vergilian Copa Marina Cavichiolo-Grochocki (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 154
32.7 Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition From Eco-fascist to Eco-utopian: Twentieth-century Readings of Virgil's Corycian Gardener Phoebe Lakin (Harvard University) 154
33.1 Dreaming of the Silk Road: Narrative Conversations Philia in Translation, Or, When Orestes Bumped into Paraśurāma Tuhin Bhattacharjee (New York University) 154
33.2 Dreaming of the Silk Road: Narrative Conversations The Texture of Trauma: Fabric, Luxury, and Multiracial Classical Reception in the Art of Devan Shimoyama Stefani Echeverria-Fenn (Independent Scholar) 154
33.3 Dreaming of the Silk Road: Narrative Conversations Queering the Silk Road: Semiramis, Emperor Wu, and Historiographies between Greece and China Yanxiao He (University of Chicago) 154
33.4 Dreaming of the Silk Road: Narrative Conversations The temple of Jandial in Taxila: a locus of encounter or controversy? Alice Casalini (University of Chicago) 154