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SCS Urges Kansas Regents to Abandon Temporary Suspension of Tenure Protections

Posted in Public Statements.

Academic freedom and tenure are of fundamental importance, indeed the basis upon which America has achieved pre-eminence in higher education. Without its protections, faculty are at constant risk of arbitrary termination, with chilling and destructive effects on their ability to conduct groundbreaking research and provide state-of-the-art teaching.

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SCS 2021 Meeting Recordings Now Available

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Session Recordings Available

All sessions that gave unanimous consent for post-conference publication have been made available on the OpenWater annual meeting platform.

You can access these recordings by logging in the same way you logged in for the annual meeting, navigating to the paper session you want to see, and watching the recording streamed on the registration site itself.

You can find a list of available recordings below. All those not listed did not give consent for their sessions to be published.


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Announcement of New Co-editors for TAPA

Posted in SCS Announcements.

The Society for Classical Studies is delighted to announce that the TAPA

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Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship

Posted in Awards and Fellowships.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship September 2021 – August 2022

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CFP: 34th Biennial Conference, Classical Association of South Africa

Posted in Calls for Papers.

34th Biennial Conference of the Classical Association of South Africa

Order and Chaos

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CFP: International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

Posted in Calls for Papers.

The Ausonius Institute (CNRS – Université Bordeaux Montaigne), under the patronage of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (AIBL, Paris), the International Association of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (AIEGL) and the Société Française d'études épigraphiques sur Rome et le monde romain is pleased to invite you to the 16th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, which will take place

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NEH Grants for Classically Themed Projects (December, 2020)

Posted in Classics in the News.

December, 2020

Below is a list of the most recent NEH grantees and their Classically-themed projects. The NEH helps fund a number of SCS initiatives, and their support affects the field of Classics at a national and local level.


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Presidential Panel: William Sanders Scarborough and Black Classicism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Posted in Presidential Letters.

The Presidential Panel at the 2021 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday January 8, 5:30-7:30pm CST. Registered attendees can access the panel via the virtual annual meeting platform.

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Ovatio for Dr. Fauci (Michigan Classical Caucus)

Posted in Classics in the News.

Ovatio for Dr. Fauci and Response

The Michigan Classical Caucus recently sent an ovatio to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States.

They recently posted the response they received from Dr. Fauci's office in a release to their members. The release follows:

Dear MCC Members,

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In Memoriam: Senator Paul S. Sarbanes

Posted in In Memoriam.

The Society for Classical Studies mourns the recent loss of Senator Paul S. Sarbanes. Obituaries like this one from the New York Times

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