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CFP: Ethics of Art and Technology from Antiquity to Our Times

Posted in Calls for Papers.

"Techne Agathe: Ethics of Art and Technology from Antiquity to Our Times"

The Second International Conference of Hellenic Studies will take place in Budva (Montenegro), from 14 to 19 September 2020. The topic of the conference is "Techne Agathe: Ethics of Art and Technology from Antiquity to Our Times".

Deadline for submissions: 1 July 2020

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COVID-19 and Short-Term Fellowship and Grant Awards

Posted in Public Statements.

As the COVID-19 virus becomes more widespread in the US and in many other countries, the SCS office and the Board of Directors are making plans to deal effectively with disruptions to all our operations and programs.

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A Forum on Thornton Wilder's Alcestiad at Fordham University

Posted in Performances.

A Forum on Thornton Wilder's Alcestiad at Fordham University

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2020 Election Slate

Posted in SCS Announcements.

The 2020 SCS Election Slate and narrative report of the 2019-2020 Nominating Committee are now available on our website.

Thank you to our Nominating Committee members and to all those who have agreed to stand in summer 2020.


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CFP: Race and Racism: Beyond the Spectacular

Posted in Calls for Papers.

Revised 9/23/21 with updated submission deadline of Friday, February 18, 2022.

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Program Submission System Now Open

Posted in SCS Announcements.

The program submission system is now open and accepting proposals.

You can visit the main page at


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Workshop: Socratic "Eudaimonia" and the Care for Others

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Workshop: Socratic eudaimonia and the care for others

An event sponsored by the International Society for Socratic Studies

Verona, April 8-9, 2020

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New Program: BA in Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece

Posted in SCS Announcements.

“BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece”

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Languages of Ecology: Ancient and Early Modern Approaches to Nature

Posted in Conferences, Lectures, and Meetings.

Languages of Ecology: Ancient and Early Modern Approaches to Nature

Colloquium at the Getty Research Institute
Getty Research Institute & Volkswagen Foundation
March 18, 2020 | Museum Lecture Hall
Organized by Jesús Muñoz Morcillo, GRI Volkswagen Foundation Fellow

Languages of Ecology: Ancient and Early Modern Approaches to Nature focuses on the origins, variety, and transformations of notions of ecology in antiquity and the early modern period.

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CFP: Agamben and his Interlocutors

Posted in Calls for Papers.


April 2-3, 2020, Marshall University

Call for papers

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