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Affiliated Group Panel Report Submissions

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Given that extraordinary demands are presently being placed on everyone’s time (to mention only that), SCS is granting an extended deadline for Category II affiliated groups to submit affiliated group reports on panels for 2021.

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2021 Annual Meeting: Message to Members

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Given the rapidly changing situation in the present moment, a conference in January 2021 looks a long way off. But planning for our 152nd annual meeting in Chicago has already begun, and it will intensify in the months between now and then. Indeed we are making both plans and contingency plans, because the SCS will hold its annual meeting in some form.

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A Letter from President Sheila Murnaghan

Posted in Presidential Letters.

As we all contend with the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 Coronavirus, I want to start by highlighting a gratifying fact: the indispensable expert and voice of reason, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, majored in Classics as an undergraduate at Holy Cross!

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SCS Board endorses statement on faculty review and reappointment

Posted in Public Statements.

The SCS Board of Directors has endorsed a statement by the American Sociological Association on faculty review and reappointment during COVID-19.

Read the statement and full list of signatories at this link

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Access to Digital Resources During COVID-19: Loeb, Journals, and More

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Please see the following on access to digital resources during COVID-19:

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Classics Tuning Materials Now Available

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Results and materials from the Classics tuning project we've mentioned in prior newsletters are now available publicly. See the below press release from the project's authors for full details:


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New Publication: "Careers for Classicists: Undergraduate Edition"

Posted in SCS Announcements.

We're proud to announce the digital publication of "Careers for Classicists: Undergraduate Edition." This work is a completely new version of our previous "Careers for Classicists" pamphlet, providing the latest insights on how undergraduate classics majors can best prepare for jobs in a variety of fields.

You can read this newest publication in our online book format here:

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COVID-19 Measure: Annual Meeting Submission Deadlines

Posted in SCS Announcements.

We realize that this is a time of unprecedented turmoil, disruption, and challenge in all our personal and professional lives. SCS is delaying deadlines for 2021 annual meeting program submission in the hope that some extra time will be helpful to anyone planning to submit. The new deadlines are:
- April 21 (by 11.59pm EDT) for all submissions other than individual abstracts and lightning talks
- April 28 (by 11.59pm EDT) for all individual abstracts and lightning talks

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Teaching Remotely: Some Links to Helpful Resources

Posted in SCS Announcements.

Here is a modest aggregation of some helpful links and resources that link out to other resources. Thanks to all who have shared their wisdom online:

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SCS Staff Working Remotely

Posted in Public Statements.

Dear Members,

As of Friday March 13, 2020, SCS staff will be working remotely until further notice. We have taken this step in order to comply with the current policies of NYU, our host institution. Fortunately, we expect there to be little disruption to our operations. You can still do the following online:

- Renew your membership

- Use the placement service

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